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Feature requests

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    Feature requests

    I'm not sure where to add these, but I have two requests:

    - the ability to add a default weight to the order weight. I sell paper by the sheet. My orders are typically very lightweight. The weight of the box can exceed the weight of the product. I would like to add a default box weight to the order weight before calculating the shipping charge. Six ounces sent to the same city is no big deal, but six ounces shipped to Australia from Texas is a big deal!

    - I think I've requested this one before, but I'll ask again. When transferring to Quickbooks, transfer the customer shipping comments to a comment on the order, and NOT to a the customer message field. Two reasons 1) they input a colon to make a smiley face, and Quickbooks kicks this out and the transfer fails, 2) I have a customer message list a mile long and these can't be deleted until you remove them from the orders.




    Thanks Pat

    I have passed these on to the Development team.

