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extended info page .. soz to bring this up AGAIN

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    extended info page .. soz to bring this up AGAIN

    Right reading through the boards I found a post by some guy whos cracked it! ..

    However I do not fully understand his instructions .>>>

    for the second one, the way we do it is to have a blank html page which is the target of File/URL in the Links tab for the product. in extended information you then put the text and image you want and for the name of the popup page put the name of the file from before. then all we did was modify a template for popup pages so it generates a normal support page, and make sure the "text link" box is ticked. when actinic generates the popup page it is simply seen as the page linked to by clicking on the product image, thus not a pop up.

    mind you, does take some time to get the template right, because as you will discover there are very few netquotevar's that work with it, so we have had to define A LOT of customvars to make it work. for example, see for what can be done, and note there are also extra blank spaces currently so we can have 3 images plus a logo on the left hand side, and an extra image and text under the return to catalog link on the right.
    Is there anyone out there that understands the top set of instructions .. I tried it best I could but feel there are some steps missing .. I am desparate to get my pages opening full page and not pop up it's been specific request from 2 clients .. I am aware of the other solution to make each product a sub section however would take a lot of work as both clients db's are full of products already

    Also in actinic .. product > links tab .. use image is greyed out .. anyone know why ? Tis greyed out on all of my sites

    anyway any help would be greatly recieved ..
    s a b b i e t a g e d


    A wise Monkey never monkies with another Monkies Monkey ..

    Sorry about the dealy in responding to this.

    What it sounds like the person did is:

    a) Edit the Extended Information Page template to add in all the design from the overall layout template. I have a feeling that not that many variables will work in the Extended Information Page template but I'll leave that to you to experiment.

    b) Set up the 'Extended Information' tab to create a pop-up window for each product. I'm guessing that the customer used Norman's patch to include an add to cart button in the pop-up window. He then noted the filename assigned to the pop-up page.

    c) Then he used the 'File/URL' link in the 'Links' tab to create a link to the fully-qualified URL that that pop-up page will be available at online.

    d) I imagine then you would need to edit the product layout template to suppress the pop-up link so you only have the 'File/URL' link.

    I have no idea how that will work, so please don't be surprised if you hit issues en route. Good luck!

