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    Quick search

    For some time now I've been wrestling with Actinic to try to get a site up and running. I'm almost there (not least because I've usually been able to find the answer to my question in this community).

    I now have a problem that I can't find the answer to (possibly just because it's late and I'm tired) so this is my first post. The answer's probably dead simple and here somewhere so apologies in advance!

    When I do a simple search on my shop the results are displayed using a template I've created for use when viewing the shopping basket(Act_Primary2.html). I want it to displaythe results using Act_Primary.html. Does anyone know where I change the template used for the search results?

    You can see what I mean by visiting and searching for Netgear.

    Interestingly, submitting a blank search results in a page that uses tha template I'm using for my checkout page (Act_Primary3.html). Same question!
    Martin Durham

    ReallyCleverHomes - your one-stop-shop for home technology

    Hi Martin

    I think we will need to take a look at your site snapshot to understand the possible cause behind the issue.

    I suggest you register a support query with us here

    Krithika Chandrasekar


    E-commerce software by SellerDeck

