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Multiple Other Information Prompts

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    Multiple Other Information Prompts

    We recently upgraded from Actinic Version 6 to Actinic Version 7, and as a result of this we had to reapply Norman Rouxel's patch which allows us to ask for additional information by using other info prompts.
    Originally our first prompt had a character limit of 25, and this worked when we used Actinic Version 6, but since we have changed to Actinic Version 7 it appears that the limit on the amount of characters which can be entered has gone.

    The following text is entered on the first "Other Info Question" box of the "layout" tab of the product page.

    "25 Type your free engraving here:|Extra engraving entered here costs 10p per letter. Charged on dispatch:"

    As far as I am aware I reapplied the patch as before, and i think the patch must be fairly accurately applied for the prompts to be appearing correctly. However I am stuck as to why the information being entered in the first prompt allows unlimited letters to be typed as opposed to the 25 characters which I have specified.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Many Thanks!

    You've misunderstood the instructions. The format for cell width /character limit is ww or where the 1st character string is always the width of the input box.


    25 simple gives you a 25 wide box.

    25.25 gives you a 25 wide box with a 25 character limit.

    Here's the bit from the ReadMe again:-

    You can control the width of the input field by starting your prompt with a number.
    This will be removed from display and and used instead as the field width.

    E.g. Other Info Prompt:- Name|E-mail|Phone: Optional|Fax: Optional|Postcode
    or:- 30Name |40E-mail |25Phone: Optional |25Fax: Optional |12Postcode

    If you use a number of the form nn.nn then the integer part is the field width and the fractional part
    defines the maximum length of the input.

    E.g. Other Info Prompt:- Name|4.3Age
    (Name, standard width; Age, 4 wide but only 3 chars can be input)

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks for your help Norman, but if this is the case then the patch must have changed because when we were using Actinic Version 6 we were able to just input the other info prompt lines as i originally explained and then they would work and the input box had a character limit equaling the length of the text box.

      Lionel Wright

