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Member Discounts

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    Member Discounts


    Is it possible to do the following in Actinic:

    1. Tier discounts for members as a percentage of sales? Example:

    Orders up to £25 - 5% Off
    Orders between £25 and £50 - 10% Off
    Orders between £50 and £75 - 15% Off
    (and so on)

    2. Create member pages that retrieve personal details such as e-mail, password, most recent products, products that might be of interest, last transaction, open transactions, etc.? If not directly through Actinic how customisable is the software to integrate with, say, a PHP-MySQL combo?

    3. Are membership accounts fully customisable within themselves? In respect of showing unique prices to individual customers.



    Bumpety bump.


      1. Tier discounts for members as a percentage of sales? Example:

      Orders up to £25 - 5% Off
      Orders between £25 and £50 - 10% Off
      Orders between £50 and £75 - 15% Off
      (and so on)
      Yes - you would do this as a series of 'Order Level' discounts with the discounts restricted to certain customer groups (via the 'Restrictions' tab).
      Create member pages that retrieve personal details such as e-mail, password, most recent products, products that might be of interest, last transaction, open transactions, etc.? If not directly through Actinic how customisable is the software to integrate with, say, a PHP-MySQL combo?
      I'm afraid I can't help you with this one. One of our partners (Codepath) have written an order tracking system.
      Are membership accounts fully customisable within themselves? In respect of showing unique prices to individual customers.
      Yes - you can create customer accounts within unique logons for buyers, then group them into customer groups and then apply discounts to those groups.


        Cheers Chris.

        One more query regarding question #2:

        What's Actinic's legal standing on customising the software? At the moment I have only ever played with the HTML & CSS templates, but what restrictions should I be aware of if I decided to delve deeper? That means anything from an external script that works alongside actinic processes to manipulating the software intrinsically.


          The Actinic executable is a binary built in C++ so I don't think you will be able to delve at all into the application.

          Outside of that, you can pretty much do what you want with the Access database that stores the data as it is seen as somehow 'external' to the main application. Just please don't expect us to be able to provide technical support advice for any customisations you make at that kind of level.


            I think that's more than possible, although I'm not interested in hacking at the software to such extremes. My interest lies in manipulating its processes through external scripting, and as you said there are no legal stipulations imposed against this so that's enough for me to think about for now.

            Thanks for your help.


              Going back to the discounts, I have set these up as you suggested without any trouble. However:

              Retail Price: €20.40

              Your Price: €20.40

              Appears on all the product pages for logged in users. I want this removed to leave the standard "Price: €20.40" message without any your price stuff. I have commented out discount info nqvr in the productline template, discount_quantity in productprice template, discountinfobulk from productbody template, and made sure that the tick boxes in View | Discounts | Misc | Show Discount (alongside product) are unchecked.

              Where am I going wrong?


                I've tried several other things since the last post but still no joy...


                  Am I right in thinking the only way to fix this is to delve into the


                    Actually I've located this to - with a bit of tinkering I was able to remove what I wanted. Unfortunately, I was unable to do this without removing the normal price as well.

                    Can anybody tell me how to remove the "your price: £x" line on orders for logged in customers?


                      Originally posted by cdicken
                      Yes - you can create customer accounts within unique logons for buyers, then group them into customer groups and then apply discounts to those groups.

                      Where do customers log into the account?


                        also, what's with my signature? LOL


                          Originally posted by AFH Dan
                          Where do customers log into the account?
                          login.html (the template is ActLoginPage.html)

                          In addition to my query above, I have another problem relating to member discounts which I need sorting out. Basically the discounting information in the basket is not updating correctly. I receive the following message regardless of cart total:

                          "Discounting Information
                          You will receive 5% discount if your cart value exceeds €33.00"

                          Page refresh does nothing to update this message... the only thing that gets the discounts working properly is if I go all the way through checkout and then back to view basket. Thereafter, the discounting information line updates perfectly for as long as the user is logged in... ie:

                          "Discounting Information
                          You will receive 15% discount if your cart value exceeds €150.00"

                          if cart content is less than €150.00, or;

                          "Discounting Information
                          You will receive 20% discount if your cart value exceeds €250.00"

                          if cart content is less than €250.00, etc.

                          Looking for an official response from Actinic regarding this issue and the main issue above regarding removal of the "your price: £x" line on orders for logged in customers.




                            Originally posted by Dybbuk
                            login.html (the template is ActLoginPage.html)
                   : not working

                            Do I need to activate it somehow? ::goes to look::


                              Check the design guides, this forum or Knowledge Base.

                              Back to the thread subject(s): Actinic, you out there? Need to get these things working... like, yesterday.

