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renaming acatalog directory

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    renaming acatalog directory

    I am trying to rename the acatalog directory, but it is remembering the name from somewhere.

    I have replaced all 'acatalog' with 'zestra' in setup2 using access.
    I've deleted the contents of cgi-bin, deleted the whole acatlog directory, and the index.html (ie. everything), then done a refresh.

    However it is only half working. The index.html is partially displayed (looking at the source, all of the graphics, .css files and .js files etc are in 'acatalog' (which doesn't exist)). Also, if I try to view further brochure pages they are 'not found' because it's looking in acatalog.

    However, the catlog pages are correctly located in the zestra directory...

    what did I miss???

    ps. I got round the 'acatlog' directory problem (come on, it just looks naff!)on my other sites by moving everything upto the root. However, these sites deliberately used the catalog page as the root because I didn't have/want any brochure pages. When I tried that with this site (where I *want* the brochure page to be the home page) it didn't work - I got error and the catalog page kept being made the home page...

    By default a page called index will be the first page displayed by a site.

    Assuming you have left your acatalog folder in place in your site you will have

    index.html (created by brochure)

    By moving everything to the root you are placing the acatalog index into the root, thus your "other" index file will not be shown,.

    Try going to Design options Site Defaults, base page name, change this to shop.html (or whatever)

    You may want to think about doing this, bearing in mind my previous reply to one of your posts!!


      I think I tried that at one point but I was a bit confused as to which index it was changing if any as they both still appeared to be called index.html...

      I think I'll give it another try tomorrow. I started this site at 08:00 this morning and my brain is starting to turn to mush.


        Just an idea about the design. The site would look a bit better if you colourised the nav buttons to match the Zestra logo


          in design options shop default you are changing the file name within acatalog folder

          the brochure one is set in the dialog box from the home icon.

          but don't forget there is an order in which pages will appear by default ie
          if someone types in domain.ext without a page name

          it is something like

          default.html etc etc <someone else will have to provide this list>


            Originally posted by pinbrook
            Just an idea about the design. The site would look a bit better if you colourised the nav buttons to match the Zestra logo
            hey, I said it was still under construction!

            Those will be changed last, I'm building the site in a big hurry so I'm trying to get all the difficult stuff out the way first...


              What did you think of my new aromatherapy site btw? I've been redesigning it already...

              Your opinion is always valued, especially as my site designs are pretty lame...


                I like the Aromatherapy site. Its one of those it does what it says on the box sites. ie design is in keeping with the products, products are laid out well, easy nav, good button layout at the top of the page

                It is better now that you have removed alot of the js popup info. Clicking the info box now brings up better info.

                The 4 steps in the checkout are good too. I read somewhere that to include these was a plus for buyers, ie they enter the checkout knowing how many steps/pages there are.


                  so, if the move to the root doesn't work is there a method simply to rename the 'acatalog' directory?


                    Removing acatalog can be done. I have done so on my site. I had to remove every reference to it in the database.

                    HTTPPROXYMODE	0
                    HTTPPROXYPORT	80
                    FTPPROXYMODE	0
                    FTPPROXYPORT	21
                    SCRIPTID	596
                    SCRIPTEXT	.pl
                    IGNOREPASSIVEERRORS	true
                    USERELATIVECGIURLS	false
                    PATHTOPERL	/usr/bin/perl
                    USEENHANCEFTP	false
                    PATHFROMCGITOCATALOG	../
                    CODEBASE	./
                    FTPHOST	***
                    FTPUSERNAME	****
                    FTPPASSWORD	****
                    PATHTOCGIBIN	/public/www/cgi-bin/
                    USEPASSIVEFTP	false
                    You cannot thereafter use the Actinic features to test connection etc as they will shove acatalog back in.

                    In particular if you go into Advanced Network settings you must always CANCEL. If you click Ok it shoves acatalog back in.

                    Hope this helps


                      Is your home page a brochure page or a catalog page? I used the same method on my two other sites but on those I was using the catalog page as the home page.

                      Now I'm trying to use the brochure page as home and, as above, it is conflicting - although I have tried Jans solution yet.


                        Site defaults - Base Page Name = index.html

                        top of catalog HighlandClans.html which is not accessed!

                        Have two Brochure Pages Kilt-details.html and Links which are accessed via hard code navigation on side menu.

                        Any help?


                          Acatalog Directory or not


                          I am trying to decide whether to attempt moving my new Actinic site to the root folder or not before I go live with it. I would like to hear from those of you who have done this and if there are any additional pitfalls besides the loss of the network testing feature built into Actinic. I would also like to hear comments why not to this.

                          I want to use the brochure pages and I would rename the index.html file that is in the acatalog directory to shop.html or something similar. I don't agree with the argument that the brochure files were designed to manage the rest of the website. The only file that ends up in the root folder is the index file. All the other brochure pages are sent to the acatalog folder.

                          Lastly, does anyone know of a way to edit the database without using Access? I own Access 97 but am unable to open the Actinic database. I am reluctant to purchase more Microsoft software as I am trying to use more open source software like OpenOffice and would eventually like to migrate to Linux.

                          Thanks for your help.


                            I also would be interested in changing the name of the acatalog folder but feel that there is too much for me to mess up in the process.

                            Can Actinic not include a renaming feature in future versions?




                              In the same way that I object to wearing designer labels, or a sticker on my car advertising the garage from which it was bought, I object to telling the whole world that I am using Actinic software. The acatalog folder does just that.

                              So I have removed it on my site and I have no problems at all.

