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components not adding their value

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    components not adding their value

    First Actinic site (so possibly something daft I am doing) but I have added with the store - if you really want to look at my first feable attempts go to the testing site - some new products (a tabour storage cupboard amd some filing cabinets), to which there are a number of optional extras, colour options, shelves etc.,

    .. this is the potential start of a series of questions about components ..

    - but right now I seem to have a small(?) problem in so much as in one department (storage) one product - Tambour 2000 - successfully adds the component values no problem, however a virtually identical product, set up in exactly (I thought) the same way .. potentially even copy and pasted in fact .. adds the components top the basket, but not their value.

    the only thing which appears differenct at the 'putting them in stage' seem to be that the one that works properly has the tick box for 'component as separate line' is availble .. but on the others this option vanishes .. very odd.

    I have now made a new product from scratch and this appears to be okay .. but is there something that I have done daft, or is there a glitch in my copy of actinic?

    this is v7 developer .. I am still fiddling so you may not see the problem (at least I hope this to be fixed shortly anyway!) but has anyone else had this problem, and if so what caused it?



    Hi Dave.

    Please go the the product that sits above the component, and click on the 'General Tab' Once there, choose the pricing model to suit, ie 'sum of products and components prices'

    When you copy and paste a component, Actinic does not change the pricing model.

    I hope this helps.



      excellent .. thanks (told you it was something daft I had done -or in this case missed perhaps)



