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Can I ditch the redundant act_order02.html?

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    Can I ditch the redundant act_order02.html?

    Order02.html of the checkout does nothing useful on my site-

    The delivery address is not displayed because I don't have that option set
    It asks a few general questions (how did you find us? etc)
    The payment method is fixed as I only have one option

    So the whole screen basically just asks a few questions and I don't really care too much about those, I have only left them turned on so the page doesn't look like a total waste of space to the customer.

    Can I skip this page or is it doing some secret squirel stuff behind the scenes? If so can this stuff just be moved into order01?

    I know everyone winges about the extra checkout pages, but this one really does do absolutely nothing (except for the questions I added). Customers are going to get to this page and say "why are these clowns wasting my time? what is the point of this page?"...

    In theory, you can make that page a bounce page by making a simple template with a form with type=hidden form tags for the fields and a Javascript to force an automatic submit.

    As I said, this is in theory. I have not tried this.
    Bob Ladden


      and what would that javascript look like?

      If I could get this to work I would probably have the shortest actinic checkout ever - type in address then straight to payment screen - sweet.


        This is going to take some work. You will need to modify the template so the result is a auto-submit form. This is what such a bounce page would sort of look like:

        <SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>
        function onLoad() {document.submit();}
        // -->
        <BODY OnLoad='onLoad();'>
        <input type="HIDDEN" name="GENERALHOWFOUND" value="">
        more hidden tags
        <br>Please wait for your browser to forward you to the next page<noscript> or click <input type=submit name='here' value='here'></noscript>.

        You need to add hidden fields for each of the fields that are in the real form. This would take you some time to get to work. Remember, this is only a theory. I don't know if you can bend the template so much.
        Bob Ladden


          actinic support - would this work? Is it possible to merge into order01 instead (otherwise I would have 2 bounce pages in a row!)


            I'm afraid I don't know. Generally I tell people to leave the checkout page structures well alone. If you want to justify a page being there, you could include some useful information about how security works, how the payment will happen etc.

