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droppy-down foldy-out menus?

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    droppy-down foldy-out menus?

    I would like to use a multilevel menu system for one of the next actinic clients I build in Developer v7 . and would like to know if anyone has any suggestions as to how to use DHTML or maybe javascrip menu creators to provide this (I don't have the skills to tap this lot out in notepad .. so I turn to some form of building software).

    I came across which use a fold out menu, and an actinic shop .. whilst I don't like the look of .. well any of it (sorry) it does demonstrate this is possible and the folks who built this seem to have used something called allwebmenu.

    I have a couple of contenders already in stock to use if anyone knows them (rather use them than have to go buy more!) .. one is a DHTML menu builder called (rather unimaginately I thought) pop-up menu builder (guess what that does then eh?) which is actually pretty good, from Anoxy software... the other alternative is a Project 7 java system, but I reckon this might only work as an extension in dreamweaver. I have a java system too .. but I would rather move away from java applets.

    can anyone suggest where I might look for info on how to integrate (preferably the DHTML pop-up menu creator .. as I know this one inside out) into actinic .. or any other thoughts really .. multilevel navigation is what I am after and one that could potentially slide down the page as it scrolls.

    cheers all..


    Droppy Down menu thingy


    Norman Rouxell does a product called Nortree which is free (donations always welcome) and formatted specifically for Actinic. See

    This might be a good place to start

    Commercial Cleaning Cambridgeshire


      thanks .. I'll go and have a peek ...


