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Downloading Orders - Crashing and errors

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    Downloading Orders - Crashing and errors

    Dear All,
    I have recently got connected with AOL broadband using a router. The computer in question was working up to the time of BT broadband although i cannot see how internet providers can effect Actinic.

    When i downlod orders or test the network settings actinic slows down and starts to crash. If it does not crash then it gives the error "the connection with the server was reset", "you have no new orders".

    I know for a fact i have at least 5 or 10 orders since the last download (i get emailed).

    Please advise what it may be or what i can do.

    Spec is;

    AOL 1mbps Broadband on NETGEAR wireless router
    Actinic Business version 6
    Windows XP Professional
    1.6ghz athlon
    512 ddr ram

    What confuses me is that it was working perfectly before. so i presume it must be the internet provider...?!

    Any help would be much appreciated



    If you're not already doing so you could try setting the 'use passive ftp' checkbox in your network setup.

    If this isn't set then FTP can have problems if the router/firewall won't accept incoming ftp connections.

    The only problem with this theory is that I'm pretty sure actinic doesn't use ftp for downloading orders but it's definitely worth a try.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Still Downloading order problems!!

      I have tried unchecking and checking the passsive ftp settings. I have also allowed the ftp ports access.

      It still says "The connection with the server was reset"

      Network settings test also does not work...

      Any other suggestions.. perhaps opening a specific port on my router (i have allowed all incoming and outcoming to test).

      Thanks in Advance



        A suggestion from Chris to another problem was
        Try selecting 'Use Enhanced FTP' in 'Advanced | Network Settings'. This is a more traditional FTP upload that has a higher rate of success with tricky uploads.
        This might make a difference.

        You also need to download your orders so do you still have a dial up connection you can try just to get at your orders? There are plenty of ISPs who will let you dial into the internet without an account.(Let me know if you don't know of any and I can give you a number to dial into).


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


