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actinic link

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    actinic link

    when you export quickbooks to actinic only the inventory parts are passed, Is it possable to also pass the service and inventory assembly items if so how?

    Quickbooks Assembly Items

    I beleive US support replyed to a support query on this subject last week. Quickbooks does not treat assembly items as inventory items. Th reason being is rather simple. Inventory items have a value (usually based on the purchase cost) this value is seen ass an asset to quickbooks and reflected as such in your Profit and loss statement. Assembly items are a combination of multiple inventory items. If Quickbooks were to treat the assembly item as an inventory item it would double count your asset values in stock and your profit and loss statement would be incorrect. Because Quickbooks does not treat assembly items as inventory you can not track or exchange data in Actinic / Quickbooks link with assembly items.

    The solution to the problem is to create a product which is equivelent to your inventory assembly item in Actinic. Use componets for each of the items in your assembly and make sure the components are added as line items to the order. When a customer orders and "assembly" online it will be a list of items which complete the assembly item in quickbooks.

    Using this method you will be able to track inventory correctly and keep your quickbooks P&L reporting correctly.


    Brian Johnson
    :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
    1-732-528-7635 x203


      Quickbooks does treat assembly items as inventory,
      When I create a build of a assembly it takes each item of that assembly out of stock and I have 1 added to the stock of the assembly.
      Now if I were talking about bring a Group into Actinic you would be right.


        Rob, yes quickbooks treats each of the individual items with in the assembly as inventory items. However it does not treat the actual Assembly item iteself as an inventory item. It breaks down the assembly so that it can deal with inventory for each of the items which make up the assembly. This is exactly why we are suggesting that you replicate this proceedure by creating items in Actinic as components with an item which represents the assembly. When the order is placed on the web each of the "items" from the assembly will be listed as components of the assembly as an individual line item on the actinic order. When you move the actinic order over to Quickbooks it will correctly adjust the inventory for each of the items listed in the order.
        Brian Johnson
        :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
        1-732-528-7635 x203

