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Customer Accounts and Delivery Address

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    Customer Accounts and Delivery Address


    We are currently adding customer accounts to our site, but have come across a problem while testing. Each Customer Account has one single address, which is to be used as the invoice address, then we would like the user to be able to either select that as their delivery address or enter a new delivery address.

    The problem is:

    In the Buyers tab of Customer Details, the single address is selected in Delivery Address. I have then selected the 'Allow user to select or enter new address' radio button. I would presume that this would allow them to change it when they order (if required), on testing I have checked the deliver to different address check box but still cannot see where/how the user can do this???

    Also, as a sidenote, (still in the Buyers tab) under what conditions does the Invoice Address section become enabled? I even tried adding a second valid address but still it did not become enabled?



    Located: Cheshire, UK

    Hi Stuart,

    I have gone through your customer account setup on a default store. After logging in, checking out, and checking the box for "If you want to ship the purchase to an address other than the invoice address, check this box:”, I can proceed to the page after the invoice address when I can either use the address inputted in the cust. account or enter a new one.

    I know it sounds obvious but were you defiantly logged in and had the "If you want to ship the purchase....." checked?

    Do you have a URL?

    Also, as a sidenote, (still in the Buyers tab) under what conditions does the Invoice Address section become enabled? I even tried adding a second valid address but still it did not become enabled?
    Add a second invoice address and uncheck "Only Invoice Address" in the Account tab.

    Toby Blanchard

