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Additional Files

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    Additional Files

    I have a couple of references to .JS files within the html of my site. The files are stored outside of the Site1 folder as they are centrall managed.

    I thought that if I included the .JS files under the Additional Files option then they would be automatically uploaded with a site upload. However this is not the case as I get an error message

    "Some filenames conflict. All files being sent to the web site must have a unique name. Please check the list of files in Advanced : Additional Files

    Some of the following files must be renamed before an upload can occur. etc etc "

    The thing is they do not exist in the Site1 folder at all! Actinic hac been rather clever and seen the .js reference and assued that it has to upload it for me!!

    Is there anything I can do to resolve/prevent this?

    The reason Actinic is throwing a spanner into the works is because even though you keep the files all external in one way or another from the site1 folder, Actinic uploads all of the files to the /acatalog folder, so if you have in the Additional Files these .js referenced from 1 folder, and then Actinic has another reference in the html files from a totally different folder or relative folder (more like) then it will identify that you have 2 files of the same name coming from possibly 2 locations, and hense the error.

    Best to drop them into the site 1 folder and reference them from the html templates and remove from the additional files directive.


      Thanks... Whats what I've had to do.

      I'll probably run a batch file when I load actinic so that it copies the scripts from my master/central location into the Site folder..

