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browser problem in v7

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    browser problem in v7

    Hi All,

    This is my problem;

    the site I'm working on is, .

    when using the Opera browser,
    go to the site > select product A > add to cart,
    and the cart page will redirect back to the product (A) .

    then, select product B > add to cart, and the cart page redirects to product A, rather than product B, as it should.

    The redirect works fine when useing internet explorer & fire fox, but not in Opera (I've not tried any other browsers as yet).

    Any ideas on how to sort this, or is it a common problem with various browsers?

    Thanks in advance, Dave (harlequin)


    I've just tried out your scenario on a live actinic site ( on Opera on my PC and after adding the 2nd product to the basket I am returned to the 2nd product

    also tried the same test on and experienced the same as you. Thus I would suggest that your customisation has caused this to happen

    Your Sections button does not re-direct you to the shop front (acatalog/index.html - which re-inforces my idea that you should look at your changes to the site

    BTW your site doesn't fit horizontally on 800x600 don't know if that is an issue for you)


      Hi Jo,
      Thanks for your reply and input.

      I've no idea where to look for a solution to this problem, on the day I posted this thread, the problem only seemed to happen using Opera (hence me thinking it was a browser problem), however, the problem also happens on Internet Explorer (except on the 17th sept, when it was fine ).

      the wierd thing is, I did nothing to try to sort this problem out, it then 'fixed' itself (?), and then broke itself a couple of days later, with no (none zero zilch) input from me.

      could it be gremlins?

      Any Idea where I should look for the solution (in the cart? on the primary templates? design options?)

      ps. I'm pretty new to Actinic, hence my confused manner.

      thanks again, Dave


        Just a quick note,
        Yesterday, when adding products to cart (in any browser), I was redirected to the first product, rather than the last one added.
        But today, it's fine! (even though I've not changed any thing on the site)

        It could be something I've done to the site, but with the fact that it seems to have 'fixed itself' (again), I have a feeing it's not to do with my work ( i haven't been anywhere near the cart, cookies, or whatever part of actinic controls this redirect.

        Any ideas anybody?


          i just added 2 items to my basket, on adding the 2nd I was redirected to the 1st.

          using IE6 (XP SP2)


            To solve the problem, you will need to identify all the changes you have made to the site...

            what have you changed?

            which templates? you may have to replace your customised templates with the original one to isolate the problem


              Hi Jo,
              Thanks for having another look at this.

              I'm also on IE6, and today I'm redirected to the last product added to the cart. (as it should be).

              I've worked on act primary, act Brochure primary, product image, section nav image, parent sections link, & act text & title (just working on alt tags, page titles, breadcrumbs), enquiries page, and added a thankyou page (which redirects to the shop front). To my knowledge, which is limited, I've not been anywhere near the shopping cart.

              I tend to make a note of every page I work on so I know what's been done to what.

              The changes I've made to the templates is pretty much a couple of customvars on title and alt tags, that's it.

              any ideas?


                Problems like this one are very annoying aren't they. Could you humour me and add a '/' onto the end of your 'Web Site URL' in 'Advanced | Network Setup'. I don't know whether this will change anything, but it's the only thing I can see that looks odd in your settings.


                  I think this is one of those things, it seems to work when it wants to.

                  I think it's out of our control as it has the ability to fix itself, when it want to!

