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T&C's page and Search page

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    T&C's page and Search page

    HI there.

    Getting the feel of the program on only my 2nd day, managing to adjust the pages witdh and centralise etc.

    Just need to ask where I go to sort this for the T&C's page along with the search page.

    Thanks in advance...


    The template for the search results is Act_ResultsTemplate.html. I'm only doign a simple search on my site but I think it must be the same.

    The template manger (which is within the advanced option) is really useful as you can easily click on the page / template you want and it open's the template in your default edtior.

    The same with your T&C's you can use the template manger or click edit against the layout field option.

    Hope this help a bit and doesn't confuss you more. It took me a while to get around it all but in the end you get the hang of it.


    Darren Tickle

    Greetings cards, and gift wrap for every occasion.


      HI Darren.

      thanks for the pointers, I went into the advanced bit and edited
      Act_SearchTemplate.html. put in 750 for the widths of the two tables and now both the Search and T&C's page are sorted.

      I think once I get the site onto the server, I will also need to edit the page you suggested for the results of any searches performed.


        Glad it helped. Believe me it took me a while to get use to all the different templates. This forum is has been really useful, and there are a lot of people out their that have a lot of knowledge about Actinic.

        Good luck

        Darren Tickle

        Greetings cards, and gift wrap for every occasion.


          Originally posted by darrentickle
          This forum is has been really useful, and there are a lot of people out their that have a lot of knowledge about Actinic.
          There better be.

          The program seems pretty slick, I just need to get thru' some of the unknowns at the mo. Apart from that, the shop should come together fairly well & quickly...

          Will start to add products soon as I have it on the server and see how it all comes to fruition.

          Thanks Darren

