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V7 staging server advice

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    V7 staging server advice

    Hello all

    I am just about to throw the switch to make my site live and have cast my mind forward a few days/weeks to consider how I test future changes that I make to my site.

    I have my own web server plus control of my DNS and have setup for pre-launch purposes <REMOVED> while my main URL has a holding page displayed on it.

    Are there any facilities within Actinic to accomodate both a live server and a staging server OR do I need to manually change the network settings between the two depending on which site I wish to update?


    V7 has the test mode ability, which uploads to the normal folders of acatalog which is then sub-foldered by test/acatalog with the subfolder test being the test home page and test/acatalog being what would be shown within the normal acatalog page.

    Go into web | test mode to switch it on and off, with this also assuming that you have a functional normal network setup under the normal acatalog operation.

    Last of all, the same cgi-bin is used as normal with all of the scripts starting with a 9 to ensure that they do not interfere with the live operational site.


      Thanks for that - I knew it would be straightforward - these guys know what they are doing!


