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Numnerous pageheaders caused distortion

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    Numnerous pageheaders caused distortion

    Hi all,

    someone think of a solution for me. In actinic sfotware, when you create a new brochure page, it will be added into top menu bar ( --> log on if u dont get what i mean by Top Menu bar). I have wanted to add a new segment called, "Testimonial" nevertheless, this word is too long and soon my TOP menu bar is distorted. (because the Actinic has a function "Netquotevarageheader" in other word, it forms another row. are there anyway where i create a new page (not fragment) and not appear in the menu bar. I simpy want a link to that testimonial page.

    I can only see two ways around this.

    The first one would be to remove NQV and hard code the links.

    The second method would be to comment out your Page Title with the Page Properties:


    The problem with this it leaves the "[ ]". You can remove these from the Act_BrochureNavItem.html template then add them in the Page Title. Again this brings another problem where the "[ ]" will show in the page title and may cause search engine problems.

    Toby Blanchard

