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Meta Keywords ??

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    Meta Keywords ??


    I am running Actinic Business

    I have just noticed that under

    Design > Option > Sections

    the following is UNTICKED

    Include Meta Keywords from All Parent Sections

    My questions are;

    1. Should this be ticked to enhance my serch engine listings

    2. What inplications/changes (if any) will be made to my shop once this is ticked?

    Hi Peter,

    1. Should this be ticked to enhance my serch engine listings
    It will provide more words for the search engines to pick up on. But be careful of having duplicate words because you may be penalised for spamming.

    2. What inplications/changes (if any) will be made to my shop once this is ticked?
    The only changes you will see would be within the source of the page.

    Say I have a section called "Meta 1" and entered the following keywords:

    spam1 spam2 spam3

    the source of that page would look like:

    <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="spam1 spam2 spam3">

    Within my subsection, "Meta 2" I have entered:

    beef1 beef2 beef3

    the source of that page would look like:

    <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="beef1 beef2 beef3,spam1 spam2 spam3">

    Hope this helps.

    Toby Blanchard


      A few things to bear in mind here - then it is up to you to decide your preference

      1 very few SEs even look at meta keywords

      2 if you do decide to use meta keywords, then each page should only have words in the meta tag that actually appear on the page. You only need to have 6-10 keywords in the tag

      3 if you use the parent tag, bear in mind Toby's comment about being labelled a spammer

