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adding an 'add to cart' button to search results

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    adding an 'add to cart' button to search results

    I need to add an 'add to cart' button directly on the serach results screen. I've tried copying the relevant NETQUOTEVARS from Act_ProductLine.html into a new column in the results table in Act_ResultsTemplate.html, but I seem to be missing something - when I try it out, I get the raw NQV codes displayed on the results screen. Can someone help out by letting mw know if what I am attempting is possible, and if so what I should put in my Act_ResultsTemplate.html file to make it happen? Many thanks!

    Hi Richard,

    I'm afraid this is not possible in V7.

    I will add a request to the wishlist so hopefully this feature will be made available in a future release.

    Toby Blanchard


      Damn, that's a blow. Is there any alternative to going from the search results list to the product list page? I don't really want the customer to see the complete list of products, just be aware of the ones that match their search results.

      Would it be possible to go straight to an 'extended info' popup on which an 'add to cart' button was available, rather than seeing the product list for example?


        I don't think this will be possible either as the pop-up page details are not made available to the index file that the results use. You can put images in the search results but that's about it I'm afraid.


          Hi Chris

          This request is getting more and more common, or similar variations around it. I requested a long time ago something similar with regards a quick fill order form. I think the first request was at the release of V6.

          my point is
          A lot of companies use catalogs with printed part numbers, however actinic will only allow you to show part numbers that appear on a page and the customer has to go to this page when they use the search script. The search function will not pick up on products that have variations, where the original part number is hidden and has been associated to it. so when a customer searches for an item if this is an associated item it will not find it.

          I know that this is not an easy fix as there is the need for the product sid number to enable the product to be loaded and ordered. is this unique method still required? I'm sure that someone at actinic has the ability to create something that allows for the part to be loaded and ordered directly from searching for the part number, even if this means a seperate lookup page to fill in the items. Lets be honest here the package does some great things and is definately one of the most advanced so the talent must be their.

          I'm sure that i am not alone in saying this is one thing that actinic could do with. this would really add weight to an aready impressive product.

          I would be interested to know if anyone else has comments on this subject.



            Both a quick order form based on published codes and direct buying from search results would be most welcome.

            In fact we have had both these functions written for us in addition to Actinic, so the need is there.
   - Actinic plugins, remote add to cart and custom CMS
   - More seeds and plants....
   - Well it used to be Actinic...


              maybe im mistaken and this is not what people would like

              surely there is a need for this from more people, if you feel there is a need please reply as the more people that ask then the higher it will go onto the wish list - correct me if im wrong chris



                Well, as the one who requested it in the first place, I'm definitely for it! Would make my application a lot easier.


                  I am also looking to put the add to cart option against search results. I read in a 2003 post by Norman that it may be possible if the products were simple (no components or attributes) which mine are. I wonder if anyone has progressed with this idea.....


                    I have yet to find anyone who has made head way.

                    Chris could you tell us if this has been or will be looked at. I know there are many other additions being requested but this one has been around for a couple of years now.



                      Hi there

                      This feature is not one of the ones that we are looking at for the next version. It is still on the drawing board for future versions.


                        Thanks Chris

                        Just what i thought, so sometime never then.

                        Does anyone know of a company that has managed to get around this yet, am happy to pay if the price is right. Please do not suggest "smart decision". Another company preferred.

                        Thanks Darren


                          this article is in the knowledge base

                          Owner of a broken heart


                            Thanks Gary

                            That article has some of the answers but it does not do what i am looking for, and others i guess. Basicaly we want to be able to add products by part number. It is along the lines of a quick fill order form which is also another post on here. If i can get over the add to cart buttons in the search box then i can move on to a quick fill order form. If you see what i mean. Basically use the modified search result as the back end to a order form.

                            Cheers for your help


                              OK. I'll bite. It should be possible (with a bit of Perl patching) to get an Add to Cart onto the Search Results page. This will initially be for simple product only (no choices, propmts, etc) and probably a set quantity of 1 (changeable later in the Cart of course).

                              You'll have to contact me by e-mail if interested as this won't be trivial.
                              Norman -
                              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

