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Email Button - Contact Form

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    Email Button - Contact Form

    Hi All

    I hope some one can help, on my site i have the Email button that when clicked gives the customer that simple form, Name, Subject, Email, Message. This form is fine but i would like to add address boxes to this form.

    Question is can this be done, i have tried different things without success.

    If not i can use my own form, but to do this i would would need to change the action of the email button but can not find where to do this. At present it calls If i try and replace the Act_contactus.html file actinic kindly rewrites it with the original

    I am using our test site,
    any help would be appreciated

    Hi Darren,

    Have a go at this:

    Browse to your site folder and open Act_ContactUs.html.
    Add new input tags for your new fields. For example:

    <input type="TEXT" name="Address1" size="50" maxsize="125" value="">

    You then need to open and search for:

    $sTextMailBody .= ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2371) . $sEmailRecpt . "\r\n";

    After this insert lines similar to the following for each new prompt...

    $sTextMailBody .= "Address1: " . $::g_InputHash{'Address1'} . "\r\n";

    Save the files and upload to test.

    I hope this helps.

    Toby Blanchard


      Thanks for you reply

      i will give it a try later, been off work for a few days



        Can you get rid of it totally?

        I've tried to simply delete the text, but it leaves a noticeable blank space
        Martin Cutbill

        Amazingly using Actinic to sell Absinthe since V2


          Can you get rid of it totally?
          Can you get rid of what totally? The 'Contact Us' button?

          Go to 'Design | Options | Navigation' and remove the values in the 'Description', 'Image' and 'Highlight Image' fields for the 'Send Mail' icon.



            Thanks for that, working like a treat now, added all the extras i needed.

            Some times customer ask you to contact them or request a catalogue and never give you a phone number or address. This way we can at least request the information

            Cheers for you help
            ps if anyone wants a copy of the form and perl script let me know and i'll stick it here


              That would be brilliant Darren if you have a copy

              That would be brilliant Darren if you have a copy.



              Originally posted by Darren B

              Thanks for that, working like a treat now, added all the extras i needed.

              Some times customer ask you to contact them or request a catalogue and never give you a phone number or address. This way we can at least request the information

              Cheers for you help
              ps if anyone wants a copy of the form and perl script let me know and i'll stick it here


                Editing Contact Us Form


                In relation to this post ( - is it possible to set up Check boxes and other Form fields as well as Text Boxes?

                Also can you create a Brochure link to the Act_ContactUs form?



                Originally posted by Toby B
                Hi Darren,

                Have a go at this:

                Browse to your site folder and open Act_ContactUs.html.
                Add new input tags for your new fields. For example:

                <input type="TEXT" name="Address1" size="50" maxsize="125" value="">

                You then need to open and search for:

                $sTextMailBody .= ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2371) . $sEmailRecpt . "\r\n";

                After this insert lines similar to the following for each new prompt...

                $sTextMailBody .= "Address1: " . $::g_InputHash{'Address1'} . "\r\n";

                Save the files and upload to test.

                I hope this helps.


                  Hi there

                  I'm just going to check this with the development team.

                  Kind Regards
                  Nadeem Rasool
                  SellerDeck Development


                    Hi there

                    is it possible to set up Check boxes and other Form fields as well as Text Boxes?
                    Yes it is possible

                    Building on the current solution:

                    $sTextMailBody .= "Occupation: " . $::g_InputHash{'name'} . "\r\n";
                    'name' can be the name (case sensitive) of any form input tag. the value
                    entered by the buyer can then be read from $::g_InputHash{'name'}

                    e.g. for a checkbox, you would write:
                    <input type="CHECKBOX" name="UKRESIDENT" value="YES">
                    $sTextMailBody .= "UK resident: " . $::g_InputHash{'UKRESIDENT'} . "\r\n";
                    Kind Regards
                    Nadeem Rasool
                    SellerDeck Development


                      Act_Contact form

                      Brilliant I will try it,

                      Do you know if there is a way to create a Brochure Page link to the Act_Contact form ?

                      And also is there a way to test that the Contact Form works while using a Local Host site (ie http://localhost/acatalog/)



                        Yes, and yes.

                        The 'Contact Us' form will only appear if you have specified an SMTP server in 'Advanced | Network Setup'. You can just put 'localhost' for now. It won't actually send an email, but never mind.

                        To create a link from a brochure fragment, simply go to the 'Contact Us' page on your localhost site, then copy the address in the address bar to the clipboard. Then use this web address within the 'URL' field of a 'Link' in a brochure fragment.



                          Good stuff Nadeem and Chris

                          I have worked in support and know the running around you must do to get some of your responses while we sit back and drink cups of tea.

                          Thanks very much again



                            I've updated the Act_ContactUs.html page with the following field:
                            <input name="REQUESTACCOUNT" type="CHECKBOX" id="REQUESTACCOUNT" value="YES">

                            and the following to the
                            $sTextMailBody .= "REQUESTACCOUNT: " . $::g_InputHash{'REQUESTACCOUNT'} . "\r\n";

                            I've uploaded them and tested it on the test server contact page - but the changes have not been made. If i make these changes - shouldn't they appear on the "contact us" page or have i done something wrong?

                            thank you in advance


                              Hi Steven

                              The checkbox should appear on the contact us page. Where about did you place it on "Act_Contactus.html"

                              Kind Regards
                              Nadeem Rasool
                              SellerDeck Development

