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Items ordered and cart value

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    Items ordered and cart value

    I am experiencing some confusing behaviour with the "Items Ordered" and "Cart Value" fields in V6.0.2.

    The values for these fields are displayed correctly on the order checkout pages but doggedly remain 0 on the product pages. I have had a look at the generated HTML pages for any obvious differences but they appear to be functionally identical for the display of these values:

    The pages contain the following within the <HEAD>:

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actinicextras.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

    and the following within the <BODY>:

    <td align="center"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="-1">Items Ordered&#58;
    <script language="JavaScript">document.write(getCartItem(3));</script>, Cart Value&#58; <script language="JavaScript">document.write(getCartItem(1));</script>
    </font> </td>

    The only difference that I can see is that the product pages all contain additional lines between

    <Actinic:TEMPLATE type="begin" filename="C:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\Site1\Act_FrameLoad.html"/>


    <Actinic:TEMPLATE type="end" filename="C:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\Site1\Act_FrameLoad.html"/>

    These lines appear to be determining the JavaScript version and doing something tricky for frames. I don't see what that can have to do with cookies.

    If you want to see what I am on about, the site is at

    Any suggestions?
    Chris Brown

    Checking your site it seems to me your problem is down to the separate servers for static pages and CGI scripts. The cookie used for the mini cart is created on the CGI server but this cookie is not accessible by the server displaying the product pages.

    I'm not sure which provider is this but I think the knowledge base article can be applied here.


    Actinic Software


      Many thanks Zoltan. That does indeed solve the problem.

      The knowledge base article is unclear in one respect. It doesn't give an example and therefore it took me a few tries (and some searching around on the web) before I discovered the domain name syntax. In my case it is:;

      Chris Brown


        By the way the ISP is xs4all ( )
        Chris Brown


          Addition to wishlist

          I am just upgrading to V6.1.0 and have discovered that I need to reapply the fix to the script. The fix works fine but a more generic solution would be preferable.

          I would like it if Actinic could automatically cope with the situation where /acatalog and /cgi-bin are on different servers. Could this be added to the wishlist please?

          Of course, this server configuration might be so rare that you don't think it worthwhile to deal with automatically. In which case, can we please have a bit more help when upgrading. I can't find a list of changed and non-upgraded Perl scripts anywhere in the upgrade log. All I got was a message warning me that some scripts had been changed by me and that my changes would have to be reapplied. I had to remember which ones I had changed.
          Chris Brown


            I have just revisted the knowledge base article mentioned above and it does now contain an example. Unfortunately the example is incorrect!

            In my situation, "www." had to be omitted from the <server-address>. The website name is "" but only "" worked.

            I thought I was going mad when I saw the example but I managed to find the hardcopy (sans example) that I printed out before.
            Chris Brown


              There is a log file

              My apologies. I just found the ScriptUpgrades which tells me exactly what I need to know.

              But I would still like to see this particular change in a future release.
              Chris Brown

