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Basic Price Display In Section

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    Basic Price Display In Section

    I'm trying to get the price of each item to display in the format "£10.00" but can't seem to manage it. At first glance this seems easy (Alter the Act_ProductPrice.html file or the options in Actinic relating to price display), but I need that file / output style to stay as it is for use by another page in the system. I have tried using "NETQUOTEVAR:COST" but this just displays as "NETQUOTEVAR:COST" instead of the price. I have also tried including the Act_ProductPrice.html file (If this was to work I could create a modified version and include that instead) but that displays the NETQUOTEVARS as text too.

    What am I doing wrong here? I know that I could use the "NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTPRICE" to fill a javascript variable (Then strip the characters I dont want), but my experience of doing things like that is that it all goes wrong later when the client decides to change how they want the price output.

    Anyone got any ideas for me?

    Anyone? Any advice at all?


      Are you just talking about removing the tax message from after the price and the 'Price:' prompt from before the price?

      In which case, you can clear the value in the 'Product Price Description' field in 'Design | Options | Shop Defaults' to remove the price prompt, and in Act_ProductPrice.html, comment out NETQUOTEVAR:TAXMESSAGE to remove the tax message.


        Unfortunately I can't do that in this case. The shop is set up to first show a list of products in a section list (For instance "Gardening Tools") and then show a detail page for that product when you click on it.

        In the section list I need to display the price as small as possible (£10.00), in the detail page I still need to have the price displaying normally with the tax and explanation (Same goes for the checkout / cart etc).

        I'm mainly confused as to why NETQUOTEVAR:COST seems to be unavailable at the product level and only NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTPRICE works. If I could understand the mechanics behind it I would be able to work on a better solution than the javascript one.


          Oh - you want to display the price in the section link?

          I'm afraid this is not possible. You will need to edit your section link layout template to include a custom property value for the product price - but you will have to maintain this value independently of the main product price.

          1) Create a new custom property in 'Advanced | Custom Properties' called 'Price'.

          2) Edit your section link layout template to include CUSTOMVAR:PRICE

          3) Set a value for 'Price' in the 'Properties' tab of the relevant sections.


            Sorry... I dont think I'm really being clear enough.

            Products in actinic are setup as follows:

            Online Catalog ->
            - - -Gardening Tools folder ->
            - - - - - Product Duplicate 1
            - - - - - Product Duplicate 2

            - - -More Tools folder ->
            - - - - - Product Duplicate 3

            Products ->
            - - -Product 1 Folder ->
            - - - - - Product 1

            - - -Product 2 Folder ->
            - - - - - Product 2

            - - -Product 3 Folder ->
            - - - - - Prodcut 3

            In the site there are links in a menu on the left that take you to the various sections. When you click on "Gardening Tools" (/cgi-bin/, you are shown the images, two line description and a price (Formatted £10.00, Not working) of each the products in that particular section (In this example this would be Product Duplicates 1 and 2). Each image forms a link to the appropriate product (/cgi-bin/ which then displays the individual product and all details including price, add to cart, styles, sizes etc). To handle this method of display I use two versions of the Act_ProductLine.htm file (Formatted as appropriate).

            On the individual product page you are given the price in the form: "Price: £11.75 (Including: VAT at 17.5%)". This is correct. However, this format is not appropriate for the product sections where it brings back too much text and mangles the formatting (I need just the price inc vat, no text).

            I can edit the price html file / actinic text to obtain this, but obviously that will change the product detail page too. I'm really wondering if there is any variable that I can use barring NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTPRICE that will bring back just the price with nothing else. Or if I can tell the different ProductLine pages (Two in my case, one for product section pages and one for product detail pages) to use different versions of the Act_ProductPrice.html file. From what you've said, I am also able to add a custom property, but this seems unnecessary in the case of the products (Where the price is already held).

            Thanks for the help so far.


              OK, I understand - you want the price to be formatted as one way in one section, and then another way in another section.

              They way to do this would be to simplify the price for the entire store, as I described in my earlier post.

              Then create a product template specifically for the products in the full detail sections where NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTPRICE looks like...

              Price: NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTPRICE <span class="actxxsmall">(Including: VAT at 17.5%)</span>

              i.e. put the extra price formatting directly into the product layout template for the products where you need it.


                That makes sense. Thanks, should do the trick.

