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Shipping overseas setup

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    Shipping overseas setup

    Hi all, I have a shipping query.

    Currently, we ship to the UK with a standard shipping fee by order value (£2.50 postage) and free over £25. This is working fine. We also ship to overseas, but have a complicated system whereby the customer has to email us for a shipping charge and then we weigh the books, calculate the charge and this is set up as a product for them to add when they order - in these cases they often don't order. This is a get-around and we've always expected to sort it out! Now we are getting many more order enquiries from overseas and would like to be able to streamline the process.

    In an ideal world, I'd keep the UK system as it is (standard £2.50 charge for orders under £25, free over £25) and add shipping zones with postage calculated by weight for overseas, but no free shipping for overseas. I've tried various things on my localhost test site and found that if I change the 'calculation basis' to total weight for one zone then it changes it for all zones.

    I've also set the UK weight to a maximum and charge to £2.50 but then this would make all orders postage-payable, or could set the UK weight to maximum and charge 0 but this would make them all free! It appears that if I've got 'free over' £25 then it's free for all orders, including overseas. Preferably we would keep the UK postage as close to how it is at the moment so that UK customers would not be put off. Is there any way I could work this out? I've had a little look at attributes but this looks a bit scary and I'm not sure if I could set the attribute to overseas only.

    Our products are mainly books and not all prices correspond to weight. Also, is there a way we can select books that are not available for sale overseas (e.g. the really heavy ones)?

    We are using Actinic Catalog v6.1.2

    Any help appreciated
    Josie Henley-Einion
    Collectors Supplies

    Hi Josie

    You've hit upon a real limitation of shipping there whereby Actinic at the moment does not allow you to limit the 'free shipping' option to particular zones.

    It is simple enough to just charge a flat £2.50 rate when calculating by weight (create a row for £2.50 for 1kg and then set 'Excess' to 'Take the Highest Value in the Table') but you cannot limit free shipping to that particular class.

    The only thing you can do is either allow free shipping for large orders for your whole store (obviously not that practical in the case of international orders) or else take away the free shipping option for large-value orders in the UK.

    The other option is to go to 'View | Discounts' and create a discount that gives a £2.50 discount to all orders over £25. At least this will not affect your international shipping costs significantly.

