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Some style sheet and duplicate product advice

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    Some style sheet and duplicate product advice


    I'm at a stage where I want to go live by the end of this week but have a few small outstanding issues that I would like to get sorted.

    1) On my more product page I have added a ‘add to basket’ button which I want to have vertical aligned with the text. I'm controlling this all via class via a style sheet and not sure how to solve this. Does any body have and idea on how to achieve this?

    2) My second question is that on my products page I have a thumbnail image of the product and a more information link, this is coming from the Links tab and I then link it to the relevant product. What I want to be able to do is make the thumbnail image a link to the relevant product too but not sure how to do this, as the make image a link is not highlighted. Again does anybody have any advice on how to do this?

    The web address is in case the above doesn't make much sense.


    Darren Tickle

    Greetings cards, and gift wrap for every occasion.


    Nice to see another CSS-Actinic site. Mine's been giving me a few headaches.

    With regard to your questions:

    1) Do you want the add to cart button to sit under the Quantity button or alongside it? You say vertical with text so I presume the problem you have is that if you place it below the Quantity button it falls beneath the product image and aligns itself to the left? If this is the case then you basically need to have two boxes inside a wrapper, with the image box height set to 100%. There are a few cross-browser considerations here too. Is this what you want to achieve?

    2) Not sure about this one. I could never get this to work either. I think there could be a way to hard code the links but I've never tried to be perfectly honest.



      Yes, I have had loads of issues and it's taken me a while to get to this stage. What I want to be able to do is have the basket image v-aligned bottom so that it doesn't rise above the text of the Qty box.

      I have tired before what you suggested but this has always gone wrong when I view it in Firefox or Netscape.

      I have done a brief test of the site in Opera and it has a few strange things happening. Do you have any idea as to why this is happening??? I'm not going to worry to much as the site works fine but it seems very strange to me. Any tips you have would be great.

      I do like using CSS to control the layout but you try to not use tables at all but once you start testing you just have to go back to them.

      Thanks for your advice.


      Darren Tickle

      Greetings cards, and gift wrap for every occasion.



        There are always ways to make css sites cross-browser compliant, it's all about workarounds... and lots of testing time.

        Try } display:inline { for the quantity and cart buttons, and/or } float:left { in .ProductsMiddleTextContainer



          Slightly off track but you've a typo on the delivery page

          "If your order only consists of Greeting cards or Gift tags delivery is free, *not* matter how large your order as you live in the UK."


            Hi DB

            Tried these out and they don't seem to have worked. I cann't for the life of me understand why Opera is bring in this strange lines in the background.

            I'm going to see if I can fix it if not I'll go live the end of this week and just keep working on it.

            At less this keep us busy trying to sort these things out.


            Darren Tickle

            Greetings cards, and gift wrap for every occasion.



              Thanks for point out the mistake, I have view the text on this site so many times and I'm still missing the odd errors. So thanks for that.


              Darren Tickle

              Greetings cards, and gift wrap for every occasion.


                If you're still having trouble with it in a couple of weeks I can take a look if you want. Need to get my stuff out of the way first...


                  I think I might have found a fix for it. I have been on some CSS forums and so hopefully might have found a way around to solving this. I'll keep you posted and thank for the offer of help.


                  Darren Tickle

                  Greetings cards, and gift wrap for every occasion.



                    Right I have fixed the issue with the cart button alignment, easy in the end I just used vertical-align: bottom, which for some unknown reason I thought wasn't valued.

                    I still can't solve the issue with Opera, it seems to be only an issue with Opera V 7.54 as I have V 7.1 and it look fine. If could have a look when you have some free time that would be great. If in the mean time I fix it I'll let you know. I think I'm going to go live this weekend.


                    Darren Tickle

                    Greetings cards, and gift wrap for every occasion.


                      vertical-align? lol I assumed that had been tried already. A typical CSS site evolution... you end up thinking of everything to make something work before the obvious jumps out at you.

                      I'll take a look when I get a chance. Hope all goes well.


                        Yes I know what you mean. I had this in my head that the W3C didn't include vertical align in CSS as valid piece of code. I have looked over their site and this does seems to be the case. It works so should I care.

                        Thanks for you help with this and I'm still having issue with Opera and haven't got any further with it.


                        Darren Tickle

                        Greetings cards, and gift wrap for every occasion.

