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Basket page acting funny

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    Basket page acting funny


    It's me again with the same problem that I have had before. I have uploaded my site tonight and didn't make any changes to the basket pages but I have now found that the basket page format has gone completely wrong. I have experienced this several times now and I don't understand why?? I'm worried that this is always going to happen when I do a site upload.

    Can somebody give me some information as to why this is happening? The url for the site is


    Darren Tickle

    Greetings cards, and gift wrap for every occasion.

    Hi Darren,

    I have just tried to access the page but it looks like the test site has been removed.

    Are you still having problems? If so could you re-upload it?

    Toby Blanchard


      Hi Darren

      I've been having exactly the same problem, and I know of someone else too.
      We havn't got a solution yet, but we are trying to find some common ground. email me:

      Cheers - Nick
      Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!


        Hi Toby

        Not sure what you mean that the test site is down as it has been fine all day. Also the page seems to be working fine after doing a few updates????

        It does seem like a lot of people are experiencing this issue and I would really like to find out what causes this. From what I can tell it looks like the Perl script get a bit corrupt at times until you do a complete refresh. This is very worrying????

        Also I hadn’t made any changes to the shopping basket templates, but had just made a simple update to the homepage. I can't see a connection at all is this a bug in V 7????

        Nick let me know if you need me to email as their is another person that I know of that is having this problem. Also if you look at this thread he is having the same issue.


        Darren Tickle

        Greetings cards, and gift wrap for every occasion.


          It's not that the Perl gets corrupted - it's just that you're very complex HTML in the shopping cart page sometimes is not loaded correctly into the browser. If you refreshed the browser it would be OK.


            Hi Darren

            Are you with techno-web?
            (kathy from had a similar problem - so I gave her a call and we discovered that we shared the same host, so we contacted them)

            Read this:

            'There has been the identification of a potential security problem with PHP
            services, so we have disabled PHP services whilst investigation can occur to
            ensure that it is safe or whether there is a problem, which will then need to go up to the developers of the PHP server systems, but we are still investigating this aspect and as such can not confirm nor count this aspect out.

            All we can say is that whilst PHP was operational, problems have surfaced, which on tests sites once disabled, the problems disappeared, so we are now
            concentrating on this area, before looking further afield.

            Hope that this explains this and that you are now no longer experiencing
            difficulties or problems, but please let us know if you do.

            Apologies for the errors and problems and thank you for your patience whilst we investigated and addressed this with this temporary solution whilst we dig
            deeper into it.'

            PS - Keep an eye on the othere thread as replies are still being posted.

            Nick -
            Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!


              Hi Nick

              Yes I am with Techno Web, I have emailed them about this issue but haven't had a response so thought it was nothing to do with them. So it does seem like their is a common problem and thankful it's not the software.

              I'm going to email Techno Web to find out when this is going to be fixed and why they didn't let me know.

              Chris not sure if you are saying that becasue the HTML is complex you will experice problems???? I can't see why that would be the case so long as your HTML is valued it should load fine.


              Darren Tickle

              Greetings cards, and gift wrap for every occasion.


                Strange you havn't heard back from them - they were really quick to respond to kathy @ and myself. I'm sure they'll get back to you soon.
                My site seems to be ok now, but Kathy is still having problems.
                Techno-web confirmed it was a PHP problem:

                'Not a resource problem, can assure you of that and was a PHP problem, which is now fully resolved with a new version and custom compilation of it.'

                Sounds like this might not be the end of the problem though as Kathy (and you?) are still having problems.

                Keep in touch - Nick
                Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!


                  Hi Nick

                  Just had a reply from Techno Web:

                  Sorry, but the issue with PHP was affecting all cart functionality from
                  yesterday only, and I see that your issues were from prior to this by
                  quite some time, so afraid that the issues with the cart pages you are
                  experiencing is not down to this, which was addressed yesterday and this
                  morning for those clients on the affected servers.

                  Sorry, but at present we can not provide any further solution to you other
                  than reverting your customized payment pages to the defaults and then
                  going through adding your custom code until such time as they fail in each
                  stage, thus enabling you to identify where your custom additions are

                  They are saying this was only an issue for yesterday, so this doesn't cover the times that I was having issue or you. Is that right??? Do you know when this other person was experiencing problems?


                  Darren Tickle

                  Greetings cards, and gift wrap for every occasion.


                    Hi Darren
                    Hmmm. V Strange. The problems that I was experiencing have been going on for about a week or so, which would suggest that it wasn't a problem exclusive to yesterday. However - whatever they did yesterday seems to have completely sorted my site out (sorry if I sound smug - i'm not!).
                    I'm not sure exactly when kathy was having her problems (I wish I could find her thread).
                    I've just been to your site by the way. Looks great, and worked fine for me. Has it been misbehaving today?
                    Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!


                      Hi Nick

                      No it is fine now, but Techno Web said your issue was only from yesterday but it does seem like you was having the issue about the same time as me.

                      I'm going to be doing a site refresh soon, so I'll see if it work ok then.


                      Darren Tickle

                      Greetings cards, and gift wrap for every occasion.



                        We were having the same problems as described above ( It did sort itself out yesterday morning around 10 o'clock, but we were unsure when it actually started. Also with Techno Web, using version 6 Catalog.



                          Only just got a chance to read the messages today as I've spent all day with Techno web trying to sort out problems with our site.

                          We'd had an intermittent problem with our site whereby the basket and checkout pages went haywire with all sorts of odd things happening. Techno web resolved this problem yesterday afternoon for us.

                          However this morning our site went completly - Techno web explained that they had to reboot the server after yesterdays problems and that it should all be ok. It wasn't. Whenever we added anything to the basket or did anything involving a cgi script we got an internal server error.

                          Techno web have spent about 10 hrs working on this - only for me to remember about an hour ago that I had made some changes to a pl & pm file this morning (I was using Norman's patch to enable me to have more than 1 Other Info text field) I got the additional fields OK and I was sure I'd tested everything after doing this but then the website went down and then I got involved with that.

                          So in a nutshell it was all my fault

                          I can't thank Techno Web enough for the assistance they have given me today.

                          Need to look at Norman's patch again as I really need the extra info fields.

                          BIG lesson learnt (and lots of business lost)

                          A very embarrased Kathy
                          Kathy Newman


                            Glad its all sorted Kathy. I love a happy ending!
                            Like you - I can't thank Techno-Web enough for sorting everything out so quickly.
                            Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!



                              It looks like my issue are all sorted too as I did a site refresh yesterday and it all worked fine. Really pleased that this has all been rsolved and a big thank you to Techno Web.

                              I can now finally go live with my site as all my bugs have been ironed out.

                              Thanks for all your help with this issue.


                              Darren Tickle

                              Greetings cards, and gift wrap for every occasion.

