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Can I assign different (hidden) product codes to a products colour variations?

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    Can I assign different (hidden) product codes to a products colour variations?

    I have been using Actinic since v4 but never found the answer to this problem!
    We sell Filofaxes on our site and there are numerous colour variations available in the different models. I want to be able to assign product codes to the different colour variations within each product so that the code is visible to us on received orders but not to the customer when they are browsing this site.
    I'm sure the solution is simple! After five years, it's only just occured to me to use this resource...

    Hi Andrew,

    What you will need to do is create hidden products for your choices. You can then enter the corresponding product code for you choices.

    If you have set your choice options as Product > Attribute > Choice, we will need to include a component.

    Components cannot be added to a product where an attribute already exists. You will need to move that attribute to a different product temporally, create the component and copy it back.

    Your product structure should look something like:

    Product > Component > Attribute > Choices

    Open the Component Details and click on the Permutation tab. Click "Fill List" and you should see your choices being populated.

    Now within the product column you can click on the drop down and associate your hidden products to the correct choice names.

    When you upload and test the site you will see after adding a product to the cart, the product reference for that associated product will be shown under the parent product's reference. I not sure it's possible to remove that but I'll have a look into it.

    When you download the order you will be able to see the two product codes.

    Let me know if you have any problems.

    Toby Blanchard


      Did you ever Toby...?

      Toby you wrote:

      When you upload and test the site you will see after adding a product to the cart, the product reference for that associated product will be shown under the parent product's reference. I not sure it's possible to remove that but I'll have a look into it.

      I have tried this and the result is that when the pricing model is set corretly the result is acheived, however there's that damned additional product code there which when downloaded and subsequently downloaded to Sage creates logistical problems.

      Was a fix ever installed for this issue?


        Hi David,

        Is it possible for you to set the pricing model to "Sum of Component Prices" with your setup?

        If so check "Component as Separate order line" within the component General tab then click back on the products General tab. You will now see the option to select "No Order Line for Main Product".

        So now when downloading into Sage it should just pull down the associated product code.

        Toby Blanchard


          That works, but one for the next update...

