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Has anyone sucessfully changed the root of their website to acatalog?

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    Has anyone sucessfully changed the root of their website to acatalog?

    I have been onto support and I have posted about this before and I still have not solved the problem of using the acatalog folder as my doamin root folder. I can't get the cgi-bin path right. I'm on a NT server. Has anyone done this successfully? If yes would you mind if I contacted you directly as I am hitting a blank wall!
    I am under pressure to go live with the web site.

    I want to change the folder name /acatalog to /shop ... does anybody know how this is done?



      My solution to this can be found in THIS THREAD. I'll be interested to know how you get on to see if this approach actually works robustly in the field.


        Hi Charles,
        Thank I haved tried your instructions but I am stuck at:
        "Now go into Actinic and click 'Advanced | Network Setup'. Check your settings and then click 'Cancel' to exit. Do NOT click 'OK' or 'Apply'."

        I presume I need to change these settings as the path to the cgi-bin will be different? Before I make changes the CGI URl is
        and the path to CGI-Bin is

        Do I need to change these in the network settings?


          Before I make changes the CGI URl is
          This is wrong to begin with. It should probably be

          There should never be an 'acatalog' in this field - the cgi-bin is always outside of the 'acatalog' folder.


            Hi Charles,
            I have the settings from the ISP again and the cgi url is now
            If the domain name root is pointing to the acatalog folder should I set the catalog url as in the network settings? Should I change the path from cgi-bin to acatalog directory to ../ and the same for the path from CGI-bin to catalog directory as viewed from the FTP server.




              Can I ask you to register an email support query at - someone will need to actually look at your server to advise further.

              Get Actinic working correctly within an 'acatalog' folder on your PC so you know that everything is definitely set up correctly.

              Then make the changes I suggest to replace 'acatalog' with a custom folder of your own.


                Hi Charles
                I have been down the route of support, I sent the server details and settings locally etc, and after about 1 month back and forth I was told to do a redirect page! The very thing that I was asking "how can I avoid doing this".
                I was hoping to get the solution on the forum so other users can read it and find out how to do it.

                I will try testing it locally. Maybe this is a waste of time as I don't think this has worked for anyone before judging by the no responses to this post apart from your helpfull ones.


                  I am hosting with Webfusion. They managed to point the domain at the acatalog folder for me and has worked great ...

                  Chris, has anyone else tried you hack ? I am moving host an dthe new host doesnt seem to be able do the same thing for me. So I will give it a shot and see how it works.
                  Alex Alden


                    Well it can be done without a redirection PAGE, but still with a redirection in place... would've thought your hosts would've been able to do this within a matter of seconds... All depends whether anything else is running from root or whether your just using actinic and nothing else for your site. If just using actinic then...

                    .htaccess redirect

                    Redirect /index.html
                    Stick that in a plain text file, rename that file to .htaccess with no extension, upload it to the root of your site, and make sure no index.* files exist at root.

                    Whenever a browser calls your site root it'll automatically head for index.html if no other index pages are found then instantly and invisibly redirect to /acatalog/

                    This is in play on (Redirecting from root to /forums/) and on (redirecting from root to /site/) and works peachy.

                    As the redirect is absolute (ie: it redirects a FILE - /index.html, not a folder - / ) it won't affect any other directories you have on root etc...

                    .htaccess files are capable of much more than this... they can be used for allowing and denying access to specific files and folders, IP addresses, setting up Username/Password protection on folders...

                    More info on everything you can do with it is here:
                    Marci - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


                      Failing that.... subdomain it.

                      For instance, runs as follows...


                      All depends on what access you have to your server to do this... we have full control so it's no sweat for us but past hosts that we used didn't allow this to be done without requesting support to do it for you.

                      Anyways, once we get that in place, it's just a matter of getting the paths right for actinic, which in our case are as follows:

                      Catalog URL:
                      CGI-BIN URL:
                      Codebase: ./public_html/
                      Path from CGI to acatalog: ../acatalog/
                      Path to Cgi-bin: /public_html/cgi-bin/
                      Path from CGI to acatalog (ftp): /public_html/acatalog/
                      Marci - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


                        thanks Marci,
                        Will try that, the ISP could change the root folder ok, but it was the settings within Actinic that I was getting stuck with as the path to the cgi was different. I'll try it on a test site.


                          Originally posted by cdicken

                          My solution to this can be found in THIS THREAD. I'll be interested to know how you get on to see if this approach actually works robustly in the field.
                          This works fine - although under 7 - I have a setup3 so it needs to be altered in there as well.

                          Would be nice to be able to change this from the software itself - would make life a lot easier


                            Hi there

                            I will mark it as a wishlist for you.

                            Kind Regards
                            Nadeem Rasool
                            SellerDeck Development

