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Cart not working since V7 upgrade

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    Cart not working since V7 upgrade

    Upgraded the site to V7 and I have to admit I didn't test it all the way through as it isn't live yet. Just got around to checking the cart routines and they are not working at all. They were working in V6, am using 1&1 SSL but this also was working in V6 and have tried it without SSL and no difference.

    In basket routine, update, continue shopping, etc buttons are not doing anything and in checkout the display is incorrect and the next button doesn't function.

    Suspect this is something I have done in the configuration but have tried all sorts as suggested here and can't seem to identify the problem.

    Site is to see what I mean
    The UK's first exclusively Media PC Store

    Hi Stuart,

    I recommend we try replacing your Act_ShoppingCart.html with the original V7 template.

    Do you know what theme your site is based on? (If you can't remember the theme will be highlighted in Design | Text).

    Open Windows Explorer and browse to: C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Formats\Themes\. Open the folder with your theme's name on it and locate the file Act_ShoppingCart.html (If not listed use the file in the Business folder). Copy and paste it into your Site1 folder.

    Remember to take a backup first.

    Upload and test.

    If still problems try restoring the original Act_ShoppingCartXML.html template.

    Toby Blanchard



      Thanks for the help.

      Have tried both of your suggestions but to no avail. Any other thoughts on what to try would be most appreciated.

      [Edit] Have just tried to change the template for the cart and checkout from Default Primary Template to Template for shopping cart and checkout. Checkout now works but template is of course wrong but checkout is still not working. Don't know if this helps
      The UK's first exclusively Media PC Store


        Hi Stuart,

        It looks like we will need to investigate your coding.

        Could you please register a support query here and attach a snapshot.

        Toby Blanchard

