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Product Selection

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    Product Selection

    There are around 500 unique products by company X. These are sold by various manufacturers under there own name. A Ford xyz, is the same as a GM abc.

    Customers would specify Manufacturer, Size and fitting type. I would like to build a solution using these selections but where the choices are narrowed down as you choose.

    i.e. Select manufacturer this narrows the size options to the only 3 sizes that Ford sell, Select size and the drop down shows only the one fitting type for Ford of that size Filter.

    Using a Database I would have a master product File for all individual products and a seperate Manufacturer Table cross referencing the Master Table.

    But I am not sure how to achieve in Actinic V7


    Hi Tony

    Sorry for the delay in responding to your thread. What you are suggesting is a dynamic dropdown list which Actinic cannot do i'm afraid. To achieve this, you would need to enlist a help of a javascript programmer.

    Norman from Drillpine has done some patches for Actinic and may be able to help you (although i believe this will be a pay for patch), see his website:

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

