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Quantity Discount

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    Quantity Discount

    I have several items that if the customer orders 10 I want to give a 10% discount on that item.
    I tried to set them up in a group but if you order 10 of one and 5 of another you get the discount on both not just the one that had 10 ordered. Any help on how to set this up?

    OK I found the way to do this in the product details/price tab, what if I have several hundred products that need this type of pricing is there a more efficiant way to do it other than going through each item?


      what if I have several hundred products that need this type of pricing is there a more efficiant way to do it other than going through each item?
      I'm afraid not - if you just want quantity-dependent pricing on one item then you need to edit the 'Prices' tab of each product.

      You could also put each product in its own individual product group and then set up a discount for each individual product group.

