In Actinic Catalog I know it is possible to define shipping bands and prices for each of those bands. However, we use Post for up to 2kg and Carrier for 2kg or more. Is it possible to set a shipping band or something at 0-2kg that stops it shipping by that 'class' of shipping?
The problem currently is that the lowest shipping band is defined for carrier shipping as "25kg - £X.XX" which means anything from 0-25kg can ship in that band. We don't want stuff 0-2kg shipping on the carrier, we want it to go by post.
Sorry if this sounds like garbage - long day fighting Windows XP
The problem currently is that the lowest shipping band is defined for carrier shipping as "25kg - £X.XX" which means anything from 0-25kg can ship in that band. We don't want stuff 0-2kg shipping on the carrier, we want it to go by post.
Sorry if this sounds like garbage - long day fighting Windows XP
