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Second Quantity Available Section?

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    Second Quantity Available Section?

    Is there any way to show two availability quantities for one product.
    I want to be able to show immediate availability and the quantity available from our distributors for which we get a daily update.
    I would like the catalogue to show
    [Quantity] available now and [Quantity2] available 2-3 days.
    I have seen this done on many ecommerce sites in the past but dont know how to implement this in actinic.

    You've got the one 'Stock In Hand' field, which you can insert into the store HTML by including NETQUOTEVAR:STOCKLEVEL into Act_ProductLine.html (or whatever you are using to lay out your products).

    For the additional field, you could use a custom property. Go to 'Advanced | Custom Properties' and create a new custom property called 'StockSoon' (or something).

    Then include CUSTOMVAR:STOCKSOON into your product layout template.

    You can then set a value for 'StockSoon' in the 'Properties' tab of each product. The one problem with this is there is no easy way to update custom property values via a CSV file.

