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Secure & Non secure items V 6.1.4. HELP!

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    Secure & Non secure items V 6.1.4. HELP!

    Hi all

    I'm currently setting up my first site using Acatalog v6.1.4.
    I have been editing the templates using Dreamweaver 4, adding small Flash movies, some extra nav buttons and images.

    I've previously posted about this subject, as when I uploaded to the server, then viewed the site online, I was getting the browser message saying "This page contains secure & non-secure items...etc. etc.

    A helpful chap, Bob Ladden advised me about a bug in this version and to take out a line from the 'actinic.css' file.
    I did this and it seemed to cure the problem for me.

    What has become even more frustrating now, is that other people who've checked out the site for me are saying that they can still see this 'double security'! But I can't anymore... So now I'm really stumped!

    If any of you 'experts' (or Actinic support guys) have got a minute to have a look and give me some more advice (Bob L.... if you're out there?!!) It would be much appreciated

    The site is located at:

    This is the main site (This is obviously fine!) from which you can navigate into the store to see the problem.

    Many thanks in advance


    Your whole shop is using SSL, which is not recomended. What is happening is that everything is SSL, except your flash movie which is brought in with this HTML:
    <object classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="251" height="86"><param name=movie value="StoreMovie1.swf"><param name=quality value=high><embed src="StoreMovie1.swf" quality=high pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="251" height="86"></embed>

    You can try making that https (if the Macromedia site supports that) or getting the movie another way. The best solution is only use SSL on the checkout pages.

    Thanks for the compliment.
    Bob Ladden

