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Help with customising order process?

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    Help with customising order process?

    We run a mail order business, part of which involves selling knives & field acessories. We've recently had a run-in with Trading Standards, who insist that proof of age (over 18) is required before an order is sent. Currently I just set a prompt in Catalog for the buyer to fill in their DOB before sending the order. Apparently this isn't good enough.

    We need to know - fairly urgently (or we're all out of work!) - if it's possible to write something that will only proceed with an order once a date has been entered that's 18+ years. Crazy but true. We're willing to pay but simply can't afford bespoke scriptwriting.

    Will be sitting quietly with our fingers crossed for an answer!


    Hmmm - this is one to maybe run past Trading Standards, but what if you had a tickbox that people had to select before they can proceed with the checkout. You could label it "please select this box to confirm that you are over 18".

    THIS knowledge base article tells you how to set this up.


      Thanks, Chris. I'll see what the Trading Standards droid says. Fingers still crossed, but not quite so tightly! Thanks again



        I've just implemented this checkbox and it works fine. I've done it because I sell wine and the new licensing act actively encourages measures being taken to prevent sales to under 18s. Quite what level of protection it gives is debatable with a mail order business, as it's always possible for people to cheat - however it shows compliance with the spirit of the Act, and contributes to due diligence having been taken.


        Nick Dobson
        Fighting with sellerdeck on

