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Order discrepancy

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    Order discrepancy

    A customers downloaded order (latest Actinic 5 build) omitted an item they later said they had ordered. When they sent in their copy it contained another item purchased!

    Since they customer bought more than indicated, I don't know why they would have doctored their copy. Is there a bug?

    There is no known bug in this area - and I have never heard of anything like this ever happening. It is concerning though.

    Is it possible for you to email me the snapshot to communityadmin [@] and also include the confirmation email? Thanks.

    If the snapshot is massive, maybe you could just export the offenging order and send me the export files.


      Missing line item

      Sorry, my mistake. The server was so congested that the correct order didn't appear for many hours after it was placed.

      As such, two orders placed (repeated clicking) one after the other, and the final order was placed 20 minutes later. The customer then emailed canceling the single prior order (not knowing he had sent two), leading us to believe that the second of the two inital orders contained the modified entries. Which they didn't.

      All's well. Thanks.

