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Login Page Business v7

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    Login Page Business v7

    I need to remove the Items:0 , Value: 0 bit that appears on the login page of my catalog. Can anyone help?

    I also want to set a guest account up which can be logged into and will contain zeroed prices. Any help would be much appreciated.

    You would first of all need to ensure that ou have assigned the login layout with its own template (Design | Options | Layouts), i.e. if you are using the same template for all at the moment, then save another copy as say "Act_PrimaryMyLogin.html" and then assign that within the layouts as your chosen login page template.

    Then, with that login template, locate the code....

    <script language="JavaScript">
    // -->
    <script language="JavaScript">
    // -->

    If something like this does not appear in your design, then it is being drawn in by the Header template, in which case it is more long winded and will mean commenting out the NETQUOTEVAR:HEADER from the login template and then if too much is gone, adding from the header template into your login template what you want to keep, so could get messy, but thats how you would need to proceed.

