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Product Description Font Size Change?

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    Product Description Font Size Change?


    I am trying to change the font size in my product descriptions.

    For some reason it looks fine on my PC but when I look at it on an identical PC in the office (same PC, screen res etc) the font size looks way too big.

    I have tried editing the file "Act_RightProductline" and adding the font tags around the NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTDESCRIPTION but it seems to make no difference. I use tables within the product descriptions within the !!<>!! tags but I thought this would not make any difference. I do not really want to go any add tags around all of the text within the tables for each page.

    Any ideas?

    JoBananas Body Jewellery - Body piercing jewellery, belly bars and ear stretching plugs

    Maybe it is the browser. Within IE go into View | Text Size and see what setting it is on your one and then on the other one.

    The default is set to medium, so those with seeing difficulties would increase it to make it bigger for their view anyway, and likewise those with massive monitors and screen resolutions, might reduce it etc etc...


      Yep I had mone set to "smaller" changed it to medium and now mine looks crap too.

      Back to the question at hand, does anyone know why I can;t seem to change the size of this text using the font tag.

      JoBananas Body Jewellery - Body piercing jewellery, belly bars and ear stretching plugs


        Originally posted by freakmode
        I use tables within the product descriptions within the !!<>!! tags but I thought this would not make any difference. I do not really want to go any add tags around all of the text within the tables for each page.

        Any ideas?
        I think anything inside the !!<>!! tags overrides anything you have specified in Act_RightProductline. Have you tried removing the !!<>!! tags and leaving the raw text. This should enable the font specifications around your NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTDESCRIPTION.


          Re Product Description Font Change

          Originally posted by freakmode
          I use tables within the product descriptions within the !!<>!! tags but I thought this would not make any difference. I do not really want to go any add tags around all of the text within the tables for each page.

          Any ideas?
          I think anything inside the !!<>!! tags overrides anything you have specified in Act_RightProductline. Have you tried removing the !!<>!! tags and leaving the raw text. This should enable the font specifications around your NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTDESCRIPTION.


            I have now fixed the problem.

            I just had the font tags in the wrong place. Yes Mark anything in the !!<>!! gets ignored by the setting in the template.

            JoBananas Body Jewellery - Body piercing jewellery, belly bars and ear stretching plugs

