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add to basket / checkout ... templates?

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    add to basket / checkout ... templates?

    I have managed to modify some of the colours within the order stage to fit in with the design everything is going tickityboo at the moment, and I am really chuffed with the results thus far

    .. but for some reason, the page which someone briefly sees when they add to basket is not quite the same as the ones when they actually go to checkout .. it's not major .. but simply a font colour which doesn't appear the same ..

    which page is it that they arrive at for x seconds .. (i.e. which template is it that I need to fiddle with?) .. I'm blowed if I can see it.


    please? ....


      Are you referring to ther page that says something like please which while redirected?

      Got a url too...


        hi Gary, yep .. the page you get at the point to hit 'add to basket' .. (contains all your basket items) .. and then a few seconds later you bounce back to where you came from.

        I changed the colour scheme of the checkout etc., but this page didn't pick up the font colour .. which leads me to suspect I have missed something.


          This page is generated on the fly by the Perl scripts.

          Rather than trying to edit the Perl, I suggest including some HTML tags into the message itself, which can be found in 'Design | Text'.

          Click 'Go to' and go to Phase: -1 and ID: 23.

          Add some <font> tags around the message there.


            thanks Chris. I'll take a peek.


