I was at a conference yesterday talking about social media, one of the speakers was from kodak, she outlined a situation they had with a camera, that came to market called something like i9.
So many people moaned about kodak using numbers as product names, that they held a poll to rename said camera ( i think this was all twitter).
In due course the camera and others in the same line were renamed with descriptive product names.
Excellent Example of a big corp listening to their customer base 10/10
A little bit later on when asked if Kodak would do the same exercise again - she said no!!
So many people moaned about kodak using numbers as product names, that they held a poll to rename said camera ( i think this was all twitter).
In due course the camera and others in the same line were renamed with descriptive product names.
Excellent Example of a big corp listening to their customer base 10/10
A little bit later on when asked if Kodak would do the same exercise again - she said no!!