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B2C & B2B versions of the same site

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    B2C & B2B versions of the same site

    I have popped a site together using v8 and paypal as PSP and it's working quite nicely now ( .. thanks to everyone who helped a few weeks ago). I have now come to a point where I want to be able to have two subtly different versions of the same site available depending on whether a customer is registered (i.e. wholesale) or not (i.e. general public).

    I can easily change the prices so these two distinct customer groups see different prices, but there are one or two things about adding the wholesale side which I could do with the advice of the experienced out there.

    the site sells bits and bobs to do with water treatment. Mr J. Public would most probably want to buy a pump or a service kit and that's it .. but traditionally (it seems) the wholesale industry I am about to head for like to buy pumps as a bundle which include a couple of extras(a manifold and some pipework fro instance).

    Is it possible therefore to switch OFF sections that Mr J. Public sees and switch ON the new sections - for the registered customers, hence creating a completely different content to the site for that new 'registered' group.

    I don't want to change the look or functionality of the site (as it looks and works ok) just the way the products are offered to the two groups.

    I am using 'best sellers', 'also bought', 'new products' etc., in the marketing of the 'normal' public site .. could I also create a different 'set' for the 'wholesale' site .. ? .. or might that be asking just a bit too much?

    download a trial edition of business - it does the most of what you want.


      by Business .. I assume you mean Actinic Business? .. I have a Actinic Developer Subscription and have built it in Multisite .. it was really some funky tips as to which way other folks had managed this kind of this I was really after.


        ahh ..

        ok, cracked it I think.

        Create a new product next to the original, but not a duplicate copy the info over adjust text as necessary with it's own pricing. Then in 'prices' switch the 'enabled' and 'visibility' on for each product so they will appear for one group or the other.

        neat that .. works well enough for what I need, I think.


          New products and best sellers not behaving

          I have set the products which currently are shown as new or best sellers to retail customers to not be enabled or visible to registered (wholesale) users.

          They don't appear to be listening to this however as even when logged in the best sellers (home page) and new products (4 in left side column) are still displaying (so ARE visible).

          If clicked, they tell me they aren't available to purchase (so the disabled bit seems to work) .. but is there any way of making them either disappear when logged in or better still have them replaced with a set which is available to the registered user group only?

          I've set up some access if anyone wants a play :

          login: actinic
          password: help


            Originally posted by davidfarndon
            I have set the products which currently are shown as new or best sellers to retail customers to not be enabled or visible to registered (wholesale) users.

            They don't appear to be listening to this however as even when logged in the best sellers (home page) and new products (4 in left side column) are still displaying (so ARE visible).
            How have you set them to be not visible? Isn't there a blockif you can you to show them only when a user is NOT logged in? This would hide them from logged in customers.

            Originally posted by davidfarndon
            or better still [/B]have them replaced with a set which is available to the registered user group only?
            You could use a bit of jont-style list manipulation by setting blockifs to show say number 1-4 to unlogged in customer and 5-8 to logged in customers, perhaps?

            ETA...perhaps jont's ideas in THIS THREAD could help?


              ooo .. scary programmy stuff ..

              So .. in design view, I select the new products block and try stuff like ..

              <actinic:block if="login=TRUE"><actinic:variable value="Mini New Products Item" name="NewProductsItem" <actinic:variable name="ListIndex" <=4/>
              <actinic:block if="login=FALSE"><actinic:variable value="Mini New Products Item" <actinic:variable name="ListIndex"name="NewProductsItem" >=4/>

              think that might work?


                ermm...might have to wait for someone else to come along and check that... might be back to front with the less than and more thans?

                Are you wanting to show 1-4 to NOT logged in and 4-? to logged in customers?

                I'm sure if you specify exactly which items you want visible to who, some kindly soul will come along and check the blockif for you

                It's really not my forte

                Have you tried it to see if it works?

                Editted to say...your second blockif is a bit messed up ...perhaps didn't copy ad paste right..



                  well I am mid way through jotting the current stuff down in case I make a complete dogs breakfast of it and need to return to the original .. quite likely in my experience.

                  I suppose I want to use Jont's brilliant solution of the first 4 (I only want to display 4) new products to one set of folks, with 5 - 8 displayed to the others (doesn't really matter which way round .. but lets say 1 - 4 to not logged in, 5 - 8 to logged in.

                  On the home page I have a set of 'best sellers' which I'll want to do exactly the same thing to .. so first 6 to not logged in, 7 - 12 to logged in folks.

                  Just to really complicate things .. I would REALLY REALLY like to be able to display 1 - 4 to not-logged-in customers, 5 - 8 to logged in customers from group A and 9 - 12 to customer group B.

                  same with best sellers .. 1 - 6 Not Logged In, 7 - 12 groupA & 13 - 18 groupB

                  This definitely needs the hand of someone with nimble programmy fingers though to prod me in the right direction!

                  Any help here will be very much appreciated!!


                    hello ..

                    I was wondering if anyone could prod me in the right direction wth this? .. allowing me two (or better still three .. or more .. who knows?) sets of best sellers and new products based on the user group.

                    so if someone isn't logged in they get new product 1-4, user group A gets new product 5-8, user group B gets 9 - 12

                    similarly, non-logged in get best seller 1-6 group A gets 7 -12 and group B gets 13 - 18

                    or is it only ever going to get as clever as logged-in gets this, not-logged-in gets that (and I'll stop dreaming!)

                    it seems like an obvious one for the wish list for v9 if it's not easily possible.



                      Hi David

                      Im afraid there isnt a way within Actinic to allow different automatically generated bestseller lists dependant on customer groups.

                      I will add your request to the wishlist.


                        thanks James .. I had a sneeky feeling I was wishing for something which wasn't possible at this stage .. but it does seem to me it might prove a useful function. If someone has (as they do) the option to log in groups of various types, it follows (I would have thought) that the ability to market to these distinct groups in different ways would be useful.



                          I need a line of code which includes something Jonty Jon suggested .. but I am stuffed if I can work out the syntax .. and not sure where to look to learn.

                          I need to say (in my human speak)

                          if this user is not logged in display new products 1 - 4 from the list and best sellers 1 - 6 from the best seller list .. BUT .. if this user IS logged in display new product 5 - 8 and best sellers 7 - 12 instead

                          this is a .. block if= logged in = true /false & mini new product item, ListIndex <=4 etc programmy world .. but although I've tried several routes to assemble this lot into what seems to make sense to me, it's coming up with syntax errors when actinic checks it.

                          I'd really appreciate it if someone can point me in the direction of a proper line of code I can see how it should be assembled .. and to learn from. I can't see this in the advanced guide (or anything much which resembles it to tweak to my will) so am starting to flag ..


