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Adjusting Store Section Box Listing

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    Adjusting Store Section Box Listing

    Hi Chaps
    in the Store Section box on the left (see attached pic) I'd like to change the appearance, so that the Sections (eg; Aprilia) are in [say] red and the Sub-Sections (eg; Mille / RSV & Tuono) are one or two characters indented.
    I see the Section head is already in bold by default.

    I can't even find anything relating to the contents of this box apart from perhaps this bit of code:
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

    Any help greatly appreciated as always.

    Attached Files
    Kind Regards
    Sean Williams

    Calamander Ltd

    To change the top level section colour you first need to go to design view, select the content page and then select the whole site html (the dotted line wraps round the whole page) Scroll down and you will see the full Section tree script.

    The top section will come first so just add a font colour tag after where it says

    <span class="actxxsmall"><b>colour tag goes here'

    For red just put in:

    <span class="actxxsmall"><b><font color="red">'

    You could put a full hexidecimal code for a different red of say:

    <span class="actxxsmall"><b><font color="#EC2CE2">'

    I will have a look in to the indenting of the child sections or perhaps someone else can!

    Online Shop at:


      Hi Olly
      many thanks for that - I'm just away for a day or so, but a quick test shows you are right!
      I'd really appreciate the indent if it's possible.

      Many thanks
      Kind Regards
      Sean Williams

      Calamander Ltd


        Had a play but can't seem to find an easy 'Global' solution. However there are 2-3 possibilites. You may want to put one of these as a new thread to get a more definite answer. Any how here goes.

        Use bullet points. the size and colour can be set as a new CSS Class. Not sure how though - sorry.

        Use an invisible image of say 1px high and the desired indent width wide and place to the left of the child section or use indent script within the Javascript string (How I am not sure. You will probably need to adjust the main Act_section_tree.js file that is uploaded to the server) The best person to ask on the forum is probably Norman

        Sorry I couldn't help more so perhaps best ask one of thew above in a new thread.
        Online Shop at:


          I did as Olly suggested (the simples solutions are always the best - I just have difficulty in finding where to apply the solution!).

          It works a treat on the store pages, but the changes are not shown in the Store Section box on the Home page.

          This is weird - any ideas?
          Kind Regards
          Sean Williams

          Calamander Ltd


            Hi sean. Sorry forgot to say that for the homepage, you have to do this.

            Go onto the content tab first - select the homepage - then click on the design page - scroll down to the section tree and you will see that the colour tag is not there - insert it as you did before.

            Online Shop at:


              Thanks again Olly
              I appear to have missed something
              I didn't know about that operation - I expect someone to mention any moment now that this is one of the most basic aspects of working with Actinic!

              Great - I've learned more and solved most of a problem all at once (I've asked support for a solution to the indent).

              Thanks again for your help.
              Kind Regards
              Sean Williams

              Calamander Ltd

