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can anyone see where this line break is coming from?

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    can anyone see where this line break is coming from?

    This is driving me crazy!


    Below the product short too much space before the image and tabbed description.

    Now, I know that the space above the image is coming from a line break I have put in to make the image top level with the description because I can't work out how to move the description up a line.

    There is no line break in the layout and I can't work it out.
    I can move the image up by removing the <br/> I put in...but not the description

    Can anyone see what's happening?
    Thanks, I appreciate any help anyone can give, it's driving me nuts!

    Just before the div for the details box you have this: <br clear="all">

    Is this what's doing it ?


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      I saw that...that's in the tabbed description layout..I haven't dared tinker with that.
      It's kinda outside my knowledge to mess with Norman's work LOL

      removing it does remove the line break...but will it damage the layout?
      I'll have a play..thanks, Mike

      *makes note...take snapshot*


        Why have the tabber when you only have one tab?

        You will normally find your description is wrapped in a <p> tag which will have a top and bottom margin, i'd check that. Either that or padding.


          Originally posted by leehack
          Why have the tabber when you only have one tab?
          trust you to ask that

          Actually..there are some products that use more than one tab and some that I am going to be doing that will need 2 or 3 tabs.
          So the whole site uses them for consistency..I prefer the way it looks, tbh

          I knew what I was looking for in a "normal" layout but the <br clear="all"> was in the tabbed layout (I'd seen it but didn't want to meddle!) and I confess I didn't really know what it was
          Removing it hasn't affected the layout at all but it has removed the stray line break that was giving me problems.


            Originally posted by budgetbumps
            <br clear="all">
            All the above does is move the next code onto a completely clear line of its own. Sometimes code can go onto to the same line as it fits and doesn't know anything different as code just keeps sequential unless you tell it otherwise.


              thanks Lee. makes sense..

              I assumed something like that but, you know me, I like to KNOW (although I'm happy to guess and find out lol)

              Explanation much appreciated

