Is somebody able to have a quick look at this for me to see if it's right?
It seems to work, but I'm a bit wary of making it site-wide without confirmation, IYSWIM
So far, all my related products in use have thumbnail images because some of the main images for my new stock items (as opposed to my one-off items) are dimensions that won't really resize automatically for thumbnails
However, I'm keen to have a set-up whereby Actinic uses a thumbnail where available, but uses a resized version of the main product image if there is no thumbnail.
I've come up with
for the lined that usually controls the image/thumbnail
I'd really appreciate it if somebody is able to confirm that this does what I want it to do? It appears to...but that doesn't necessarily mean it's right LOL
I'm currently only testing it on one product (with copy layouts etc so as not to interfere with the rest of the site)
It seems to work, but I'm a bit wary of making it site-wide without confirmation, IYSWIM
So far, all my related products in use have thumbnail images because some of the main images for my new stock items (as opposed to my one-off items) are dimensions that won't really resize automatically for thumbnails
However, I'm keen to have a set-up whereby Actinic uses a thumbnail where available, but uses a resized version of the main product image if there is no thumbnail.
I've come up with
<img style="border: 0;" src="<actinic:variable name="ProductThumbnailImageFileName" /><actinic:variable name="ProductImageFileName" />" width="75" alt="<actinic:variable encoding="strip" name="ProductName" />" />
I'd really appreciate it if somebody is able to confirm that this does what I want it to do? It appears to...but that doesn't necessarily mean it's right LOL
I'm currently only testing it on one product (with copy layouts etc so as not to interfere with the rest of the site)

