If anyone can give me any clue with this, I would be really grateful. Not sure if it is even an Actinic issue.
The web site is http://www.grand-illusions.com/ and the home page for the shop is http://www.grand-illusions.com/acatalog/ (only the toy shop is done in Actinic, by the way. Other sections are plain html)
Every section in the web site should have a banner at the top, which includes the tabs HOME | TOY SHOP | TOY COLLECTION etc.
On my 'old' computer, everything works fine. However on my 'new' computer, the banner is missing across the whole toy shop section
Both PCs are Dells, and both are running IE 7.0.5730.11.
When I look at the source code behind the web page on the old computer, I see
<body><div id="banner"><img src="http://www.grand-illusions.com/images/furniture/toyshop/banner.jpg" width="940" height="140" alt="" usemap="#banner" /></div><map name="banner"><area alt="Home" coords="312,104,370,140" href="http://www.grand-illusions.com/" shape="RECT"><area alt="Toy Shop"
When I look at the source code on the new computer, I see
<body><div id="banner"><!-- --></div><map name="banner"><area alt="Home" coords="312,104,370,140" href="http://www.grand-illusions.com/" shape="RECT"><area alt="Toy Shop"
Clearly the img tag has vanished. Yet in both cases, I am looking at the same page on the same server. How can it be offering different html to different machines?
I have heard of a few customers who seem to be having the same problem, so it is not just me.
Also - really confusing - on the new machine, I get the same problem if I view the page using Firefox.
I am utterly baffled, and would be very grateful if anyone has any clues as to where I should start looking.
If anyone can give me any clue with this, I would be really grateful. Not sure if it is even an Actinic issue.
The web site is http://www.grand-illusions.com/ and the home page for the shop is http://www.grand-illusions.com/acatalog/ (only the toy shop is done in Actinic, by the way. Other sections are plain html)
Every section in the web site should have a banner at the top, which includes the tabs HOME | TOY SHOP | TOY COLLECTION etc.
On my 'old' computer, everything works fine. However on my 'new' computer, the banner is missing across the whole toy shop section
Both PCs are Dells, and both are running IE 7.0.5730.11.
When I look at the source code behind the web page on the old computer, I see
<body><div id="banner"><img src="http://www.grand-illusions.com/images/furniture/toyshop/banner.jpg" width="940" height="140" alt="" usemap="#banner" /></div><map name="banner"><area alt="Home" coords="312,104,370,140" href="http://www.grand-illusions.com/" shape="RECT"><area alt="Toy Shop"
When I look at the source code on the new computer, I see
<body><div id="banner"><!-- --></div><map name="banner"><area alt="Home" coords="312,104,370,140" href="http://www.grand-illusions.com/" shape="RECT"><area alt="Toy Shop"
Clearly the img tag has vanished. Yet in both cases, I am looking at the same page on the same server. How can it be offering different html to different machines?
I have heard of a few customers who seem to be having the same problem, so it is not just me.
Also - really confusing - on the new machine, I get the same problem if I view the page using Firefox.
I am utterly baffled, and would be very grateful if anyone has any clues as to where I should start looking.