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Creating an ABCDE... Hyperlink menu

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    Creating an ABCDE... Hyperlink menu

    Hi, I'm very new to Actinic and web programming so please explain everything simply.

    What I want to do is create an A through to Z row of letters at the top of some of my store pages where I sell CDs. For example I have 1 page of classical CDs organised alphabetically by Composer surname. I want this list to be able to take the shopper directly to the first Surname starting with the letter hyperlink clicked or a search page with these titles as search results. Obviously it will have to be clever enough to know where to link to in an ever changing list without having to manually change the link every time a new product is added.

    Does anyone know if this is possible and how it could be achieved?

    Thanks for any help you can give me.


    PS Also need to do similar by price bracket (a little like to search facility but hyperlinked. e.g. £0.00 - £9.99 (to search within that category only).

    This can be done with standard HTML <a name='xxx'> anchor tags. Any HTML reference will give you more details.

    Search by Price is available on the Advanced Search page, and you can combine this with a section dropdown (ensuring the join is an AND) to handle the restriction.
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      Originally posted by DavidAM
      What I want to do is create an A through to Z row of letters

      your links should be constructed of sections.

      make a section for a, b, c d and put your cd's in them. then create section links.

      this is the easierst way.

      if your site is constructed from genres or another type of navigation, then you're out of luck. i dont think that the actinic search can handle 'begins with' type searches.



        Thanks for your quick reply.

        Have a look at the site and navigation in place at and let me know what you think.

        In reply to Bill's message I have already got the search facility implemented but am more after a navigation improvement within the page itself.

        Thanks again



          your site is a refreshng change from the default templates.

          but i cant stand the qua interface, frankly

          but the overall design is fun and perhaps a little bit too tall?


            excuse my ignorance but I dont understand "qua".

            Also do you have any more suggestions for the navigation issue?

            Thanks for your help.



              doh! i mean 'aqua' the bubbly osX interface.

