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Safebuy Logo Inclusion

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    Safebuy Logo Inclusion

    I have incorporated the Safebuy logo into the Brochure Nav Bar (Main Pages: section)

    However, it only shows on the Home page and not actually in the Online Catalogue, even though the coding is still in the same place. This is the same with the Products and Login buttons, but that has been in place since I bought it so I haven't touched it.

    For examples, please have a look here

    Product pages and brochure pages can have separate layouts. Make sure you have put the logo in both layouts.


      As far as I can see (with my limited sight!) it is included in both

      The brochure nav bar shows:

      <div class="tech_menu_button_title">
      <p class="tech_text_product_section">Main Pages:</p>
      <actinic:variable value="Brochure Page List In Boxes" name="BrochurePageList" />
      <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PageType%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20%22Brochure%22">
      <actinic:variable name="NavigationIcon" value="Enter Shop CSS Large Button" />
      <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22AreRegCustomersAllowed%22%20%2f%3e">
      <actinic:variable value="Login CSS Large Button" name="NavigationIcon" />
      <!-- SafeBuy Verification Seal -->
      <a href=""><img src="/safebuy.jpg" border="0" /></a>
      <!-- / SafeBuy Verification Seal -->

      This is under the Content page in the Design tab - do I need to put it somewhere else as well?

      *EDIT* May have just found it - put it in the top icon in the Design tree below the Brochure nav bar code - will upload and see...


        The brochure nav bar shows:
        Alert - BROCHURE - End Alert

        this will apply itself to brochure pages only ie non online catalog pages.

        you need to add the same code to the nav bar of the online catalog layout too - as Lee says


          I have put the safebuy graphic file in the Site1 folder and it is showing on my index page as ".../acatalog/safebuy.jpg" but it does not appear in the catalogue, there is just a box with the filename of ".../safebuy.jpg", not /acatalog/safebuy.jpg

          How do I resolve this - do I need to put it in a different folder? I am sure the coding is right otherwise the red crossed box wouldn't appear?!


            That's because you've got <img src="/safebuy.jpg"> on the product pages. Try src="safebuy.jpg" instead.


              Louise, thanks for the response although I did change it to without the /safebuy.jpg

              The catalogue pages show this coding:

              <div class="tech_menu_button_title">
              <p class="tech_text_product_section">Main Pages:</p>
              <actinic:variable value="Brochure Page List In Boxes" name="BrochurePageList" />
              <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PageType%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20%22Brochure%22">
              <actinic:variable name="NavigationIcon" value="Enter Shop CSS Large Button" />
              <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22AreRegCustomersAllowed%22%20%2f%3e">
              <actinic:variable value="Login CSS Large Button" name="NavigationIcon" />
              <!-- SafeBuy Verification Seal -->
              <a href=""><img src="safebuy.jpg" border="0" /></a>
              <!-- / SafeBuy Verification Seal -->

              Interestingly though, the graphic shows within Catalog when in the design tab for the shop pages but not actually on the online site??


                Include the file into additional files and see if that sorts it out. I take it the image is in your site 1 folder?


                  Hey Lee, it is listed in my additional files and yes, it's in my Site1 folder

                  Am currently doing a total refresh of the site to see if it sorts it, will keep you posted


                    It still hasn't done it - even after a complete refresh.

                    It must be something to do with where it is drawing the image file from as on the actual site, on the index page, it calls it, but on catalogue pages it is just

                    Yet all of the coding is the same?!

                    *EDIT* Got it, found a loose / in the page coding - thanks for all your help


                      ftp the logo to your root directory and see if that does the trick




                        Where should I input the logo code?

                        Originally posted by leehack
                        Product pages and brochure pages can have separate layouts. Make sure you have put the logo in both layouts.
                        I too, wish to add a logo just below my 'main pages' section on my left hand navigation bar but am not quite sure where it should be entered on my home page css.

                        Perhaps 'div.tech_menu_button' ?

                        Anyone please?! (p.s. go easy)




                          You will need to add the html for the image to your "body content left coloumn". View your home page under the design tab and scroll through your code until you find "body content left coloumn". Just after the sectionlink layout code, place your <img> </img> code.

                          As was discussed above. If you would like the image to be displayed on each and every page. You will also need to add the img html to your Online Catalogue page.

                          I'm sure it can be done in css but that would cause you quite a bit of grief. Good old html would be the way to go.
                          "Opportunities multiply as they are seized." - Sun Tzu


                            Originally posted by JSnow

                            I'm sure it can be done in css but that would cause you quite a bit of grief. Good old html would be the way to go.
                            You're not wrong there! Thank you very much!

