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footer appearing next to main content on "view cart" page

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    footer appearing next to main content on "view cart" page

    This is driving me potty! (doesn't take much)

    For some reason, on my "View cart" page on Jesters (link in sig), the footer is appearing to the right of the cart content.

    It doesn't do it in 1024 because it doesn't fit...but it's doing it at 1280.

    My overall template isn't exactly complicated but I can't see why it's doing this on this one page only..unless I have it set up wrongly on ALL of them and this is the only page with a main content area narrow enough to actually display it there..if you follow me!

    I've tried using Firebug but my html just isn't good enough to spot the obvious, I think.

    It doesn't happen when I add to cart...or even on the cart bounce page (although it did on the bounce page after I removed an item)..only on the "view cart" page after returning to the catalog

    If someone could point me towards the obvious, I'd be hugely grateful
    Thank you (again!)

    Just off out (yes I have a life off the computer) but adding additional <br />'s above the footer heading eventually pushed the text beneath the cart from the side.

    This could be due to :

    1. a floating element
    2. malformed tables

    .. sorry can't take the time to look in greater detail but hopefully a pointer in the right direction for 10.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      You've got the table containing the cart aligned left which is wrapping any content around it.


        thank you Louise!!
        I couldn't work out why it was only doing it on that one page and obviously that's one bit I didn't experiment with removing/changing!

        As usual, many thanks :-)

