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Warning box too wide

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    Warning box too wide

    I have a maximum and minimum order level for some items, if a customer attempts to order quantities outside of these levels a warning box appears. Unfortunately the box is too wide for my design and breaks up the page.

    I had a similar problem with an error box relating to the required fields in the check out pages and this was corrected by altering the box width in Design Text ID 2178 .

    Try as I have, I cannot find out how to alter the width of this other error box.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Again thanks in advance.



    I am still running through things before I launch the site and I have taken the test site down at the moment, when it goes back up I will let you know .

    Thanks for your help.




      You can see the problem on my site @

      If you add a quantity of 5 for the 2440 x 1220mm sheets and view the cart and alter the quantity number below 5 the error message appears.


        The table containing the message has:

        width="550" in it

        So it is bigger than the area you are providing.

        Change that 550 to 100% in design-text. It will then fit the area you give it rather than have a fixed size.


          I've wanted to say this ever since I saw the title of this post on Monday and can't resist any longer.

          Thank's for the heads up. Give us her name and we'll be sure to avoid her!
          "Opportunities multiply as they are seized." - Sun Tzu


            lol, she can be contacted on


              Originally posted by JSnow

              Thank's for the heads up. Give us her name and we'll be sure to avoid her!
              pmsl..ya know..that one went right past me too!!

              I really must try harder in future


                Still having trouble resolving this, I can't find the table that holds the fixed width?


                  No need to search for it Bob, go straight to ID 2178 in design|text. Use the GOTO button and type in 2178, that is all you need to do to get to see this part. Make sure you change it in the bottom window and apply.


                    My current value is already set to:

                    <table cellpadding="10" width="100%" border="0" bgcolor="%s"><tr><td>%s


                      You can see the problem at the link below:


                      If you add a quantity of 5 for the 2440 x 1220mm sheets and view the cart and alter the quantity number below 5 the error message appears.


                        error message looks fine to me

                        checked in firefox and Ie7

                        that is if you mean the error message etc sayifn must order more than 5 etc
                        Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
                        Current project:
                        Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


                          It's the shopping cart page you need to be viewing, if you alter the amount below 5 you'll see the error message in question...


                            It still has 550 as the width, so either you are not changing it correctly (most likely) or actinic is not updating correctly. Do a web refresh to take actinic out of the equation, if still the same you know it is you. Make sure you are changing things in the right place and also applying the change. I did exactly this adjustment a few days ago on a site, which worked perfectly, so there should not be any complications.

                            Having said that, why you insist on this narrow site is beyond me, you are catering for the vast minority, probably as little as 0.5% of your target audience. Keep up with the times, 800 wide for ecommerce sites is and has been dead for quite sometime.


                              Lee - What is the ideal width a site should be designed in these days?

