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Extra fields on checkout page and creating a separate form for customer input

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    Extra fields on checkout page and creating a separate form for customer input

    I am using Actinic Catalog and my website is

    Firstly could you suggest how I might add additional fields on my checkout pages? I would like to add boxes that allow for any specific requirements e.g. an alternative colour choice if the first is sold out and details of the child's ages and weight (possibly a couple more).

    Secondly I would also like to add a separate fragment page/form where customers can fill in fields to be able to receive tailored information. I would like either drop down menus or boxes that can be filled in to supply info which can be used to suggest product options to a customer. Is this something that is possible in catalog and how might I go about it (bearing in mind I am not a programmer!)?


    Green Jelly - For an eco friendly childhood
    Cloth nappies, accessories & complimentary products

    (bearing in mind I am not a programmer!)?
    its quite difficult to come up with solutions, as the questions you ask would require some degree of programming to implement.

    But in answer to the first question, i would suggest doing this at product level and not in the checkout

    and in answer to the 2nd you would need to get someone to code something specific to your requirement, thus you should draw up a specification of what you need and put it out to tender


      You should be able to do most of this using normans multiple other info promt. As jo says much of it would need to be at product level and the other stuff on a separate page perhaps.

