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Section Navigation in Header Area

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    Section Navigation in Header Area

    My demo store is divided into 6 Sections. I'd like to keep a horizontal navigation bar for them in the header area (or equivalent).

    Is this possible?

    Also, any advice on how to structure design/layout changes so that I don't have to start from scratch with a future new software release?

    There was a thread about laying out the sections as unordered lists <ul> about a month ago in the v8 section. You can use this along with a CSS to lay them out inline.. that will give you a horizontal list you can then style them to suit your existing header colours etc.

    Some elements are always reverted back to factory on full version upgrades, such as the horizontal navigation funnily enough. v8 took better steps in allowing you to keep the existing layouts and simply change the required elements to make it work ... thereby cutting down a lot of the need to rebuild the site.

    As versions are released on a 24-30 month cycle (more or less) most people take the opportunity to change the site at the same time to make it fresher and also incorporate all the new funky stuff eg: best sellers, new arrivals etc which did not exist in the previous versions.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      The thread which may be of use

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

